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CUDA Dynamic Parallelism MakeFile




This is my first program using Dynamic Parallelism and I am unable to compile the code. I need to be able to run this for my research project at college and any help will be most appreciated:

I get the following error:

/cm/shared/apps/cuda50/toolkit/5.0.35/bin/nvcc -m64 -dc  -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35 -rdc=true -dlink -po maxrregcount=16 -I/cm/shared/apps/cuda50/toolkit/5.0.35 -I. -I.. -I../../common/inc -o BlackScholes.o -c BlackScholes.cu
g++ -m64 -I/cm/shared/apps/cuda50/toolkit/5.0.35 -I. -I.. -I../../common/inc -o BlackScholes_gold.o -c BlackScholes_gold.cpp
g++ -m64 -o BlackScholes BlackScholes.o BlackScholes_gold.o -L/cm/shared/apps/cuda50/toolkit/5.0.35/lib64 -lcudart -lcudadevrt
BlackScholes.o: In function `__sti____cudaRegisterAll_47_tmpxft_000059cb_00000000_6_BlackScholes_cpp1_ii_c58990ec()':
tmpxft_000059cb_00000000-3_BlackScholes.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x1354): undefined reference to `__cudaRegisterLinkedBinary_47_tmpxft_000059cb_00000000_6_BlackScholes_cpp1_ii_c58990ec'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [BlackScholes] Error 1

I have one cpp file, one cu file and one cuh file. Important portions of my makefile are below:

# CUDA code generation flags
#GENCODE_SM10    := -gencode arch=compute_10,code=sm_10
GENCODE_SM20     := -gencode arch=compute_20,code=sm_20
GENCODE_SM30     := -gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35
GENCODE_SM35     := -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35

# OS-specific build flags
ifneq ($(DARWIN),)
      LDFLAGS   := -Xlinker -rpath $(CUDA_LIB_PATH) -L$(CUDA_LIB_PATH) -lcudart -lcudadevrt
      CCFLAGS   := -arch $(OS_ARCH)
  ifeq ($(OS_SIZE),32)
      LDFLAGS   := -L$(CUDA_LIB_PATH) -lcudart -lcudadevrt
      CCFLAGS   := -m32
      LDFLAGS   := -L$(CUDA_LIB_PATH) -lcudart -lcudadevrt
      CCFLAGS   := -m64

# OS-architecture specific flags
ifeq ($(OS_SIZE),32)
      NVCCFLAGS := -m32 -dc
      NVCCFLAGS := -m64 -dc

# Debug build flags
ifeq ($(dbg),1)
      CCFLAGS   += -g
      NVCCFLAGS += -g -G
      TARGET := debug
      TARGET := release

# Common includes and paths for CUDA
INCLUDES      := -I$(CUDA_INC_PATH) -I. -I.. -I../../common/inc

# Additional parameters
MAXRREGCOUNT  :=  -po maxrregcount=16

# Target rules
all: build

build: BlackScholes

BlackScholes.o: BlackScholes.cu
        $(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAGS) $(EXTRA_NVCCFLAGS) $(GENCODE_FLAGS) -rdc=true -dlink $(MAXRREGCOUNT) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $<

BlackScholes_gold.o: BlackScholes_gold.cpp
        $(GCC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $<

BlackScholes: BlackScholes.o BlackScholes_gold.o
        $(GCC) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $+ $(LDFLAGS) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)
        mkdir -p ../../bin/$(OSLOWER)/$(TARGET)
        cp $@ ../../bin/$(OSLOWER)/$(TARGET)
    enter code here

run: build
like image 762
Kanishk Kanoria Avatar asked Feb 27 '14 17:02

Kanishk Kanoria

People also ask

What is Cuda dynamic parallelism?

In CUDA Dynamic Parallelism, a parent grid launches kernels called child grids. A child grid inherits from the parent grid certain attributes and limits, such as the L1 cache / shared memory configuration and stack size. Note that every thread that encounters a kernel launch executes it.

What is dynamic parallelism?

Under dynamic parallelism, one kernel may launch another kernel, and that kernel may launch another, and so on. Each subordinate launch is considered a new “nesting level,” and the total number of levels is the “nesting depth” of the program.

1 Answers

When using the host linker (g++) for final linking of your executable, and when using relocatable device code (nvcc -dc), it's necessary to do an intermediate device code link step.

From the documentation:

If you want to invoke the device and host linker separately, you can do:

nvcc –arch=sm_20 –dc a.cu b.cu
nvcc –arch=sm_20 –dlink a.o b.o –o link.o
g++ a.o b.o link.o –L<path> -lcudart

Since you are specifying -dc on the compile line, you are getting a compile-only operation (just as if you had specified -c to g++).

Here's a modified/condensed Makefile that should show you what is involved:

GENCODE_SM35     := -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35

LDFLAGS   := -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcudart -lcudadevrt
CCFLAGS   := -m64

NVCCFLAGS := -m64 -dc

NVCC := nvcc
GCC := g++

# Debug build flags
ifeq ($(dbg),1)
      CCFLAGS   += -g
      NVCCFLAGS += -g -G
      TARGET := debug
      TARGET := release

# Common includes and paths for CUDA
INCLUDES      := -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I. -I..

# Additional parameters
MAXRREGCOUNT  :=  -po maxrregcount=16

# Target rules
all: build

build: BlackScholes

BlackScholes.o: BlackScholes.cu
        $(NVCC) -dlink  $(GENCODE_FLAGS) $(MAXRREGCOUNT)  -o bs_link.o $@

BlackScholes_gold.o: BlackScholes_gold.cpp
        $(GCC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $<

BlackScholes: BlackScholes.o BlackScholes_gold.o bs_link.o
        $(GCC) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $+ $(LDFLAGS) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)

run: build
like image 172
Robert Crovella Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Robert Crovella