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Cucumber: find the input with label text X?

In Cucumber, I'm trying to create a step like this:

Then I should see "Example business name" in the "Business name" input

I'd like the "Business name" input to be defined as "the input whose label has text "Business name."

Here's what I've got on the step so far:

Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" input$/ do |content, labeltext|
  # Not sure what to put here

In jQuery, I'd look for the label with that text, look at its "for" attribute, and find the input with that id. But the only selectors I've seen so far in Cucumber are these:



page.should have_content('foo')

Can anybody suggest a solution using the Webrat / Capybara selector syntax?

like image 657
Nathan Long Avatar asked Nov 11 '10 18:11

Nathan Long

1 Answers

Figured it out

You can find an input by its label text using find_field(labeltext).

# Example:
# 'I should see "Howdy" in the "Greeting" input' ("Greeting" is the label text)
Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" input$/ do |content, labeltext|
    find_field("#{labeltext}").value.should == content
like image 136
Nathan Long Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10

Nathan Long