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CTRL-K in Vim produces unexpected results



Hi I'm trying to optimise my window management in vim by mapping ctrlk to ctrl+w, k so i can just press ctrl+k to switch to the split window above the one I'm working in (I'm doing this for h,j and l also but it's only k that's causing the problem).

I've added this into my .vimrc

noremap <silent> <c-k> <C-W>k                                                                                                                
noremap <silent> <c-j> <C-W>j                                                                                                      
noremap <silent> <c-h> <C-W>h                                                                                                      
noremap <silent> <c-l> <C-W>l

However if I press ctrl+k, then something weird happens. It changes depending on where I am in the document.

  • If I'm at the top of a document with many lines beneath my curser, the cursor hops down a few lines and columns into a completely different place.
  • If I'm at the bottom of a document, it creates loads of spaces from the cursor onwards.

I've tested and removing the above lines causes the symptoms to stop happening. I'm just really confused as to what is going on!

Some info: I'm using the vim binary that comes with macvim via the command line.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


like image 469
alexganose Avatar asked Jan 04 '12 14:01


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2 Answers

I can’t explain the second problem, but if you pasted everything directly from the vimrc then you have lots of trailing spaces that must not be there. It can explain the first problem. Try running


then save and see whether problem disappears. If it is so, use

:set list listchars=trail:-

to be able to see trailing spaces so that you won’t run into this problem again.

like image 162
ZyX Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11


Maybe <C-k> is already mapped to something else. Try :verbose map <C-k>.

like image 2
romainl Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11
