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CSS3 Transform Skew One Side

Is it possible to create "CSS3 Transform Skew One Side"

I found one solution, but it's not useful to me, because I need to use a image for background (not color)

#skewOneSide {     border-bottom: 40px solid #FF0000;     border-left: 50px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);     height: 0;     line-height: 40px;     width: 100px; } 

Even this JsFiddle is not useful as well (skewed area should be transparent)

like image 802
Syed Avatar asked Nov 04 '13 03:11


People also ask

How do you skew one side of a div?

Try this: To unskew the image use a nested div for the image and give it the opposite skew value. So if you had 20deg on the parent then you can give the nested (image) div a skew value of -20deg. @darthmaim's answer (below) to use a psuedo (before or after) to skew the inner border's should be the accepted answer.

How do you change skew in CSS?

CSS | skew() FunctionThe skew() function is an inbuilt function which is used to transform an element in the 2D plane. Skew an element means to pick a point and push or pull it in different directions. Parameters: ax: This parameter holds the angle representing the horizontal axis to distort an element.

How do you make a shape skew in CSS?

To skew in both the direction we must use skewX \() and skewY() function in the transform property. 1. Transform: skewY(-20deg);

1 Answers

Try this:

To unskew the image use a nested div for the image and give it the opposite skew value. So if you had 20deg on the parent then you can give the nested (image) div a skew value of -20deg.

.container {    overflow: hidden;  }    #parallelogram {    width: 150px;    height: 100px;    margin: 0 0 0 -20px;    -webkit-transform: skew(20deg);    -moz-transform: skew(20deg);    -o-transform: skew(20deg);    background: red;    overflow: hidden;    position: relative;  }    .image {    background: url(http://placekitten.com/301/301);    position: absolute;    top: -30px;    left: -30px;    right: -30px;    bottom: -30px;    -webkit-transform: skew(-20deg);    -moz-transform: skew(-20deg);    -o-transform: skew(-20deg);  }
<div class="container">    <div id="parallelogram">      <div class="image"></div>    </div>  </div>

The example:


like image 134
Diego Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
