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css3-mediaqueries.js VS respond.js

respond.js or css3-mediaqueries.js ?

The official documentation, especially that of css3-mediaqueries.js, is sparse. Reading on SO, forums and blogs I have summarized these pros and cons.



  1. More reliable (? recommended by Modernizr , Twitter Bootstrap 3 and H5BP )
  2. Lighter (4kb) and faster
  3. Interpret mediaquery in any context (<link>, inline CSS, @import-ed CSS)


  1. Doesn't update on window resize
  2. Supports only min-width and max-width
  3. Doesn't support em units (huge weak point!)



  1. Reacts in real time (on resize too!)
  2. Supports em units (really? anyone tested it?)


  1. Heavier (15kb) and slower
  2. Interpret only inline CSS with a explicitly declared media-type
  3. Lacks detailed documentation and the project seems abandoned

Does anyone have points to add to the list, or personal experiences to share, or a particular preference for one or the other script? If so, why?

like image 786
Giona Avatar asked Oct 11 '12 10:10


1 Answers

I created a test page, including Mediatizr too.

If anyone is interested, here's the test page, and these are the results (tested on IE8 and IE7).



  1. Supports min, max and min+max mediaqueries
  2. Supports px and em values
  3. Reacts on window resize
  4. Elaborates on-page CSS (<style>) and external stylesheets


  1. Doesn't support width mediaquery
  2. Doesn't elaborate <link media="screen and ..."> nor @imported stylesheet



  1. Supports min, max and min+max mediaqueries
  2. Supports px and em values
  3. Reacts on window resize
  4. Elaborates external stylesheets only


  1. Doesn't support width mediaquery
  2. Doesn't elaborate on-page CSS, <link media="screen and ..."> nor @imported stylesheets
  3. It may cause a javascript error when combined with jQuery on load events, to solve it you need to place the script at the end of the page


Simply..doesn't work

In the end I opted for css-mediaqueries.js, conditionally loaded with Modernizr.

like image 141
Giona Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10
