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CSS Variables (custom properties) in Pseudo-element "content" Property

Example use (what I want)

div::after {   content: var(--mouse-x) ' / ' var(--mouse-y); } 

Test case showing it NOT working:

CodePen: CSS Variables in Pseudo Element's "content:" Property (a test case) by Jase Smith

document.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {    document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--mouse-x', e.clientX)    document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--mouse-y', e.clientY)        // output for explanation text    document.querySelector('.x').innerHTML = e.clientX    document.querySelector('.y').innerHTML = e.clientY  })
/* what I want!! */  div::after {    content: var(--mouse-x, 245)" / " var(--mouse-y, 327);  }    /* setup and presentation styles */  div::before {    content: 'mouse position:';  }  div {    position: absolute;    top: 0;    left: 0;    transform: translate(calc(var(--mouse-x, 245) * 1px), calc(var(--mouse-y, 327) * 1px));    width: 10em;    height: 10em;    background: #ff3b80;    color: #fff;    display: flex;    flex-flow: column;    align-items: center;    justify-content: center;    border-radius: 100%;    will-change: transform;  }  body {    margin: 2em;    font-family: sans-serif;  }  p {    max-width: 50%;    min-width: 25em;  }
<!-- test case: element with pseudo element -->  <div></div>    <!-- explanation (not test case) -->  <main>    <pre><code>div::after {    content: var(--mouse-x) ' / ' var(--mouse-y);  }</code></pre>    <h1>If this worked...</h1>    <p>      We should see something like this: <b><span class="x">245</span> / <span class="y">327</span></b> updating with the mousemove coordinates inside the pseudo <i>::after</i> element for the div.    </p>  </main>
like image 782
Jase Avatar asked Oct 20 '16 20:10


People also ask

How will you declare a custom property in CSS?

The @property “at-rule” in CSS allows you to declare the type of a custom property, as well its as initial value and whether it inherits or not.

What do CSS custom properties variables mean?

Custom properties (sometimes referred to as CSS variables or cascading variables) are entities defined by CSS authors that contain specific values to be reused throughout a document.

Can you set variables in CSS?

CSS variables have access to the DOM, which means that you can create variables with local or global scope, change the variables with JavaScript, and change the variables based on media queries. A good way to use CSS variables is when it comes to the colors of your design.

Which of the following CSS functions can be used to insert the value of a custom property?

var() The var() CSS function can be used to insert the value of a custom property (sometimes called a "CSS variable") instead of any part of a value of another property.

2 Answers

Edit for clarity: CSS custom properties with integer values can be displayed in a pseudo-element's content property via a CSS counter.

div {     --variable: 123; } span:after {     counter-reset: variable var(--variable);     content: counter(variable); }
<div>The variable is <span></span>.</div>

.coordinates:before {     counter-reset: x var(--x) y var(--y);     content: 'The coordinates are (' counter(x) ', ' counter(y) ').'; }
<div class="coordinates" style="--x: 1; --y: 2"></div>

Original Answer

Got it to work using a hack involving CSS Counters. Enjoy.

div::after {   counter-reset: mouse-x var(--mouse-x, 245) mouse-y var(--mouse-y, 245);   content: counter(mouse-x) " / " counter(mouse-y); } 

Full code in action:

document.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {   document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--mouse-x', e.clientX)   document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--mouse-y', e.clientY)      // output for explanation text   document.querySelector('.x').innerHTML = e.clientX   document.querySelector('.y').innerHTML = e.clientY })
/* what I want!! */ div::after {   counter-reset: mouse-x var(--mouse-x, 245) mouse-y var(--mouse-y, 245);   content: counter(mouse-x) " / " counter(mouse-y); }  /* setup and presentation styles */ div::before {   content: 'mouse position:'; } div {   position: absolute;   top: 0;   left: 0;   transform: translate(calc(var(--mouse-x, 245) * 1px), calc(var(--mouse-y, 327) * 1px));   width: 10em;   height: 10em;   background: #ff3b80;   color: #fff;   display: flex;   flex-flow: column;   align-items: center;   justify-content: center;   border-radius: 100%;   will-change: transform; } body {   margin: 2em;   font-family: sans-serif; } p {   max-width: 50%;   min-width: 25em; }
<!-- test case: element with pseudo element --> <div></div>  <!-- explanation (not test case) --> <main>   <pre><code>div::after {   content: var(--mouse-x) ' / ' var(--mouse-y); }</code></pre>   <h1>If this worked...</h1>   <p>     We should see something like this: <b><span class="x">245</span> / <span class="y">327</span></b> updating with the mousemove coordinates inside the pseudo <i>::after</i> element for the div.   </p> </main>
like image 161
darrylyeo Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11


I'm not quite sure if I understood your question correctly, but I think here's a solution...

You can define a custom attribute to your <div> element.

<div data-position></div> 

Then assign the position in this attribute with javascript:

  var position = e.clientX + " " + e.clientY   document.querySelector("div").setAttribute('data-position', position) 

Finally use the attr() CSS function in the content property of your pseudoelement.

div::after {   content: attr(data-position); } 

And voila.

Code Snippet:

document.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {    document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--mouse-x', e.clientX)    document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--mouse-y', e.clientY)    var position = e.clientX + "/" + e.clientY    document.querySelector("div").setAttribute('data-position', position)      // output for explanation text    document.querySelector('.x').innerHTML = e.clientX    document.querySelector('.y').innerHTML = e.clientY  })
/* what I want!! */    div::after {    content: attr(data-position);  }  /* setup and presentation styles */    div::before {    content: 'mouse position:';  }  div {    position: absolute;    top: 0;    left: 0;    transform: translate(calc(var(--mouse-x, 245) * 1px), calc(var(--mouse-y, 327) * 1px));    width: 10em;    height: 10em;    background: #ff3b80;    color: #fff;    display: flex;    flex-flow: column;    align-items: center;    justify-content: center;    border-radius: 100%;    will-change: transform;  }  body {    margin: 2em;    font-family: sans-serif;  }  p {    max-width: 50%;    min-width: 25em;  }
<div data-position></div>  <span class="x"></span>/<span class="y"></span>
like image 41
Ricky Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11
