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Convert RGBA to HEX

Given a css color value like:

 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.86) 

How do I convert that to a RGB hex value that takes the alpha component into account, assuming a white background?

like image 881
Michael Böckling Avatar asked Feb 05 '14 11:02

Michael Böckling

People also ask

How do you convert RGBA to hex?

Converting RGBA to hex with the #rgba or #rrggbbaa notation follows virtually the same process as the opaque counterpart. Since the alpha ( a ) is normally a value between 0 and 1, we need to multiply it by 255, round the result, then convert it to hexadecimal.

Is RGBA the same as hex?

RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) is used for making a colour transparent. The value for A (alpha) is from 0, completely transparent, to 1 completely opaque. hex, is a more recent quick easy value used exclusively for websites and applications.

1 Answers

Since alpha value both attenuates the background color and the color value, something like this could do the trick:

function rgba2rgb(RGB_background, RGBA_color) {     var alpha = RGBA_color.a;      return new Color(         (1 - alpha) * RGB_background.r + alpha * RGBA_color.r,         (1 - alpha) * RGB_background.g + alpha * RGBA_color.g,         (1 - alpha) * RGB_background.b + alpha * RGBA_color.b     ); } 

(Try it interactively: https://marcodiiga.github.io/rgba-to-rgb-conversion)

like image 142
Marco A. Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Marco A.