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CSS Setting Textarea width to 100%




I have a Textarea inside a TD tag and I want to set the textarea width to 100% so the width is the same as the TD width.

I've used:


But it didn't work.

Anyone have any ideas why it's not working please?


like image 702
Satch3000 Avatar asked Apr 15 '11 22:04


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1 Answers

The problem is, as far as I can think of: that your textarea wants to get its width (100%) from the td it is in. But a td has a dynamic width by default, so unless you don't specify the width of your td, you won't get your textarea to be 100% of your cell.

A cell has no width by itself, even though you would think it will autoscale with your table. Well, it doesn't, because this auto scaling is determined by the content inside it. So content of 100% is not interpreted correct, because the 100% depends on the width of the td which is dynamic by itself.

And I can continue looping with this answer like this...

like image 144
Marnix Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 01:09
