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MDC-like (Mozilla Documentation Center) resource for WebKit? [closed]

Playing around with latest HTML5 features feels nice, but it tends to be quite troublesome in the end, as standards and their browser specific implementations continue to evolve. Mozilla has a great resource - MDN Doc Center, where they continuously document all the changes that Gecko undergoes. I wonder if there is anything similar for WebKit, for both Safari and Chrome?

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jayarjo Avatar asked Feb 07 '11 09:02


People also ask

Which is better w3schools or MDN?

MDN is more detailed, more up to date, and says in which browsers it works or doesn't work. w3schools doesn't even have a list of all possible values.

What does MDN stand for Mozilla?

MDN Web Docs (previously known as MDN — the Mozilla Developer Network) is an evolving learning platform for Web technologies and the software that powers the Web, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. We also have a detailed set of beginner's learning material — see Learn Web development.

Is there an official JavaScript documentation?

JavaScript is officially maintained by Mozilla so only documentation by Mozilla is official. The only engines that support JavaScript are currently made by Mozilla and every other engine implements ECMAScript.

Is MDN good?

Yes, perhaps. MDN is a source I consult many times over, along with Wikipedia. You just need to be sure the information is updated (they have been doing a good job on that). Many students and programmers also land on the w3schools site.

2 Answers

Here are the doc centres for all major browsers:

References - Basically exactly the same as safari link for IE/FF + Opera

Chrome: (thanks to @TomTu)





https://www.opera.com/docs/specs/presto23/#html (very very good)





like image 86
Myles Gray Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Myles Gray

To complement Myles' list I'll add the google's chromium for develoeprs page.



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Tom Tu Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Tom Tu