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CSS Scroll snap point not working in iOS 9.1 safari

I just updated my ipad mini to iOS 9.1 and according to Can I use I should be able to use css snappoints on my device in safari. There are snap-point demo's on the web, but I've written one of my own (why not :) DEMO. In that demo you can scroll horizontally.


        <li class="a"></il>
        <li class="b"></il>


ol {
    list-style-type: none;

    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow-x: auto;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;

    scroll-snap-type: mandatory;
    scroll-snap-points-x: repeat(100%);
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

Anyway, my demo works in FF and Safari on my laptop, but on my iPad it doesn't. So the questions is, is Can I Use wrong or am I doing something wrong ?

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Jeanluca Scaljeri Avatar asked Oct 25 '15 20:10

Jeanluca Scaljeri

Video Answer

4 Answers

I was able to make it work by adding in a -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; see this updated fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/hpjtqewn/2/

The button doesn't work, but when I use my finger and scroll, it snaps to the correct snap points, same in my safari on my desktop, which works when I use my touchpad to scroll. Regular mouse doesn't work, and clicking the button doesn't work, but that is probably related to how you are using the .scrollTo through jquery.

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irnmn Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09


You can add a parent div for your ol and use -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch. It is a fixes for scroll problems on iOS.

<div style="overflow:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch">
      <li class="a"></il>
      <li class="b"></il>
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RedaMakhchan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09


I've found irnmn answer helpful, but further into the project it stopped working again. After few hours of investigation I found out that adding

overflow: hidden;

to child elements kills snap scrolling on safari, both desktop and mobile.

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Moonjsit Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09


As of writing, for a full-screen scroll-snapping to happen in Safari requires the scroll-snap-type be with the body tag:

body { 
  scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;

Whereas Chrome and Firefox require it to be with the html tag:

html {
  scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;

It's a little messy but I had to put them both in my css file for cross-platform compatability.

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Kyle Wagner Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Kyle Wagner