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css pseudo code "li::before" in react inline style

I have a React component called "ExplanationLists", I would like to add dynamic inline style into li html element with css pseudo code li::after, the way I can style the bullet-point with graphic better. For example,

li::before {
    content: dynamic_content;

However, I couldn't really make it happen. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Below is the code I've written.

class ExplanationLists extends Component{
        // asign lists data into variable "items"
        var items = this.props.items; 

        // loop though items and pass dynamic style into li element
        const html = items.map(function(item){
            var divStyle = {
                display: "list-item",
                    'url(' +  
                    '/images/icons/batchfield_fotograf_rosenheim_icon_' + 
                    item.icon +
                    '.png' +

            // html templating 
            return (
                 <li style={divStyle}>
                   <h3 >{item.title}</h3>

        // return html
        return html;

        return (
like image 761
Chun Pin Chen Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 08:08

Chun Pin Chen

1 Answers

Refer to this link .

  1. "&::before": { ...react style here }
  2. you must have attribute content: `''`


        content: {
            display: "flex",
            margin: 10,
            "&::before": {
                content: `''`,
                position: 'absolute',
                left: '-50px',
                top: '50px',
                width: '0',
                height: '0',
                border: '50px solid transparent',
                borderTopColor: 'red',

Hope this helps!

like image 171
nokieng Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
