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CSS Properties: Display vs. Visibility



What is difference between Display vs. Visibility properties?

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Sachin R Avatar asked Aug 13 '10 08:08

Sachin R

People also ask

What is difference between display and visibility?

visibility:hidden- It is not visible but gets up it's original space whereas, display:none- It is hidden and takes no space.

What is visibility property in CSS?

The visibility CSS property shows or hides an element without changing the layout of a document. The property can also hide rows or columns in a <table> .

Which of these is true about visibility hidden in CSS?

visibility: hidden - this CSS property makes the text invisible, but the space allocated for it will remain. In other words, the element is hidden from view but not the page flow.

How do you hide and show in CSS?

You can hide an element in CSS using the CSS properties display: none or visibility: hidden. display: none removes the entire element from the page and mat affect the layout of the page. visibility: hidden hides the element while keeping the space the same.

1 Answers

The visibility property only tells the browser whether to show an element or not. It's either visible (visible - you can see it), or invisible (hidden - you can't see it).

The display property tells the browser how to draw and show an element, if at all - whether it should be displayed as an inline element (i.e. it flows with text and other inline elements) or a block-level element (i.e. it has height and width properties that you can set, it's floatable, etc), or an inline-block (i.e. it acts like a block box but is laid inline instead) and some others (list-item, table, table-row, table-cell, flex, etc).

When you set an element to display: block but also set visibility: hidden, the browser still treats it as a block element, except you just don't see it. Kind of like how you stack a red box on top of an invisible box: the red box looks like it's floating in mid-air when in reality it's sitting on top of a physical box that you can't see.

In other words, this means elements with display that isn't none will still affect the flow of elements in a page, regardless of whether they are visible or not. Boxes surrounding an element with display: none will behave as if that element was never there (although it remains in the DOM).

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BoltClock Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 07:10
