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Can I add background color only for padding?



I have a header box including border and padding and background color for that box, can I change the background color only for the padded region after the border and then the same background color for the rest of the width (i.e. grey in the given code)?

Just a pinch of the code where I want the padded background color:

nav {     margin:0px auto;     width:100%;     height:50px;     background-color:grey;     float:left;     padding:10px;     border:2px solid red; } 
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Pavan Nadig Avatar asked Jan 31 '13 14:01

Pavan Nadig

People also ask

Does background color apply to padding?

Rather than leave the padding transparent, you can add color to the padding since the background color doesn't fully extend past the text element.

How do you add a background padding in CSS?

you can use background-origin:padding-box; and then add some padding where you want, for example: #logo {background-image: url(your/image. jpg); background-origin:padding-box; padding-left: 15%;} This way you attach the image to the div padding box that contains it so you can position it wherever you want.

Can you give a div a background color?

You can use inline CSS in the HTML, or by using the bgColor attribute. You can use the bgColor attribute, like bgColor="#6B6B6B" , in the body element to change the background-color of <body> . The HTML bgcolor attribute is used to set the background color of an HTML element.

How do you make a half background color in CSS?

You can apply a background color to the html element, and then apply a background-image to the body element and use the background-size property to set it to 50% of the page width. This results in a similar effect, though would really only be used over gradients if you happen to be using an image or two.

1 Answers

I am sorry everyone that this is the solution the true one where you don't have to actually set the padding.


What I have done...

  • Applied two gradients on background with both having one start and end color. Instead of using solid color. Reason being that you can't have two solid colors for one background.
  • Then applied different background-clip property to each.
  • thus making one color extend to content box and other to border, revealing the padding.

Clever if I say so to myself.

div {   padding: 35px;   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(240, 255, 40, 1) 0%, rgba(240, 255, 40, 1) 100%), linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(240, 40, 40, 1) 0%, rgba(240, 40, 40, 1) 100%);   background-clip: content-box, padding-box; }
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Muhammad Umer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Muhammad Umer