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CSS layout that fills available space




I'm trying to do a seemingly simple webpage layout, but I'm hitting a wall.

I'd like to do everything purely with CSS (no tables to muck things up, and no javascript dynamically resizing things)

I'd like to have:

  • A heading with a fixed height
  • A footer with a fixed height
  • Left sidebar with a fixed width
  • Right sidebar with a fixed width
  • The whole layout always fills the entire viewport (i.e. if the user resizes the window, the layout grows to the new size)

Put another way:

|<                Total width is 100% of viewport             >|

+--------------------------------------------------------------+  ---
|                 Header with a fixed height                   |   ^
|        |                                           |         |    
|        |                                           |         |    
|  Left  |                                           |  Right  | Total
|  with  |        Center grows in height/width       |  with   | height
|  fixed |      and has scrollbars if necessary      |  fixed  | is
|  width |                                           |  width  | 100%
|        |                                           |         | of
|        |                                           |         | viewport
|        |                                           |         |  
|                 Footer with a fixed height                   |   v
+--------------------------------------------------------------+  ---

The parts that are giving me the most trouble are

  • Having the sidebars and center have a height equal to the height of the viewport minus the heights of the header and footer
  • Having the center have a width equal to the width of the viewport minus the widths of the two sidebars

I have no problem requiring users to have a modern browser.

I'm aware that similar questions to this have been asked before, such as

  • Make a div fill remaining space (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1717564)
  • Three row tableless CSS layout with middle row that fills remaining space (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1703455)
  • Create 2 divs, one takes up remaining space (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1717564)

... and the conclusion seems to be that there isn't a good solution. Those answers are somewhat old, so I'm hoping that someone knows the trick now.

Yes, I'm aware that this appears to be trivial to accomplish using a <table>, and after "banging my head against the wall" I did actually attempt to achieve the layout using a table. Unfortunately, with this approach, I have been unable to get the center section to show scroll bars (using overflow: auto) when the content grows too large.)

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Jared I Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 00:03

Jared I

People also ask

How do I fill available space in CSS?

The width property is used to fill a div remaining horizontal space using CSS. By setting the width to 100% it takes the whole width available of its parent. Example 1: This example use width property to fill the horizontal space. It set width to 100% to fill it completely.

How do you make a div fill a remaining vertical space?

Another way of making a <div> fill the remaining space is to use the CSS position property. Just set the position to “absolute” to stretch the <div>.

How do you make a flex item available space?

Use the flex-grow property to make a flex item consume free space on the main axis. This property will expand the item as much as possible, adjusting the length to dynamic environments, such as screen re-sizing or the addition / removal of other items.

How do you use full width in CSS?

Using width, max-width and margin: auto; As mentioned in the previous chapter; a block-level element always takes up the full width available (stretches out to the left and right as far as it can). Setting the width of a block-level element will prevent it from stretching out to the edges of its container.

1 Answers

how about THIS?
it works with konqueror (KHTML), chrome (webkit) and firefox (gecko). like anything recent, it will probably barf under IE6.

    <html><body style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
    <div style="position: absolute; background: #faa; 
                height: 100px; top: 0px; width: 100%;">header</div>
    <div style="position: absolute; background: #afa; 
                top: 100px; bottom: 100px; left: 0; width: 100px;">left</div>
    <div style="position: absolute; background: #afa; 
                top: 100px; bottom: 100px; right: 0; width: 100px;">right</div>
    <div style="position: absolute; background: #faa; 
                height: 100px; bottom: 0px; width: 100%;">footer</div>
    <div style="position: absolute; background: #aaf; 
                bottom:100px; left: 100px;top: 100px;right: 100px; overflow: auto;">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tincidunt tempor
 velit quis volutpat. Nulla pharetra pulvinar arcu sed lacinia. Nulla ultrices aliquet sem, 
vitae commodo elit condimentum ut. Nulla consectetur facilisis nibh, et tempus purus 
pellentesque nec. Ut eu nibh ut arcu mattis luctus. Cras at interdum quam. Pellentesque 
imperdiet mi vitae felis sollicitudin iaculis. Maecenas accumsan tortor neque, at posuere 
felis. Quisque ultricies mi quis dolor pellentesque elementum. Maecenas quis nunc tortor. 
Cras eu velit faucibus nulla volutpat mollis. Aliquam fermentum lobortis diam ut pharetra. 
Duis mattis posuere fringilla. Morbi consectetur mauris vel libero pellentesque varius. 
Aenean leo enim, placerat a feugiat nec, ultrices et nulla. Etiam tincidunt urna id justo 
molestie faucibus. Cras neque enim, semper et sodales eu, volutpat nec urna. Vestibulum 
interdum arcu et ante egestas ut lacinia dui semper. Cras ligula lacus, aliquet nec dapibus 
ac, commodo vitae libero. In gravida venenatis sapien a convallis.</p>

    <p>Nulla ac risus eu velit pulvinar pretium. Etiam porttitor viverra sollicitudin. 
Donec lectus mi, posuere quis luctus facilisis, lacinia non ante. Sed sed mi neque. Etiam 
neque risus, bibendum et tincidunt vel, pharetra nec risus. In hac habitasse platea 
dictumst. Nam sollicitudin condimentum lorem, quis dignissim turpis sagittis nec. 
Pellentesque diam nunc, rhoncus quis lobortis id, lacinia quis lorem. Maecenas tempor metus 
nec velit facilisis in rhoncus lectus varius. Integer mollis, odio ut pharetra varius, elit 
nulla pellentesque neque, a egestas est justo dapibus neque. Vivamus a mauris massa, sit 
amet commodo orci. Aliquam nec iaculis sapien. Suspendisse ornare, tortor eget mattis 
tempus, nulla ligula fermentum elit, vitae euismod odio metus ac risus. Etiam iaculis 
dignissim consectetur. Nunc molestie lorem ac neque pulvinar vitae eleifend justo 

    <p>Duis a sem turpis, et cursus arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Sed eu risus orci, eget 
bibendum justo. Praesent dapibus porttitor mauris, ac sollicitudin eros pretium quis. 
Curabitur mi eros, aliquam et ultrices et, adipiscing ut mauris. Nunc pretium malesuada nisi 
laoreet consectetur. Phasellus mi arcu, rutrum in blandit in, consectetur non risus. 
Vestibulum enim lacus, aliquam eu ultrices a, tempor ut turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur rhoncus faucibus sapien, quis vulputate eros tempus 
consequat. Vivamus id metus massa. Vivamus aliquet enim quis sem viverra eu molestie elit 

    <p>Mauris at lorem massa. Aliquam risus ligula, vestibulum et placerat condimentum, 
pellentesque sit amet justo. Cras tempor sollicitudin ultrices. Aliquam sed elit sapien. 
Praesent consectetur molestie vehicula. Pellentesque quis lectus et nunc accumsan feugiat. 
Ut rhoncus aliquet libero sed rhoncus. Fusce egestas nunc eu elit vestibulum placerat. Class 
aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. 
Phasellus vitae nisi ante, id fermentum justo.</p>

    <p>Donec iaculis magna nec elit fringilla imperdiet. Proin mauris sem, pellentesque sed 
ultrices ac, luctus ac elit. Donec blandit, orci ac volutpat luctus, turpis sem malesuada 
tellus, eget porta magna nisi vitae quam. In vitae scelerisque urna. Proin ante odio, 
ultrices lobortis scelerisque at, dictum non justo. Pellentesque tincidunt congue leo 
malesuada ullamcorper. Quisque dapibus, massa dignissim gravida blandit, augue felis 
vehicula urna, et ullamcorper turpis orci sit amet nibh. Ut vitae consequat nibh. 
Pellentesque turpis justo, ultrices ac porta in, pretium quis quam. Donec purus nisi, 
dignissim vitae hendrerit vel, hendrerit ac sapien. Fusce facilisis purus a libero elementum 
ultrices. Nunc in libero congue ipsum tempor suscipit. Pellentesque pharetra pretium 
volutpat. Nam sapien arcu, viverra vitae euismod sit amet, mollis nec arcu. Phasellus at 
elit metus, sit amet tempus turpis. Phasellus mattis justo ut est varius facilisis ut et 
leo. Phasellus congue cursus est eget luctus. In eleifend diam at enim ultricies a lacinia 
mauris molestie. Nunc porttitor bibendum vulputate. Pellentesque quis risus vel mi 
pellentesque imperdiet vitae ac nunc.</p>

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Peter Carrero Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 23:10

Peter Carrero