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CSS: Font top margin





I know the title of this question is stupid, but I couldn't come up with anything better. I have searched for hours on this topic, but either I search for something wrong, or else I have missed out on some CSS basics.

I have a container div with a 40x40px background-image placed in the top left corner. I want to align the top of the text from an h2 tag with the top of that background-image, which I have tried to do like this.


<div id="container">
  <h2 id="title">Lorem</h2>


body {
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 13px;

#container {
    background: url('test-icon.png') top left no-repeat;
    margin: 200px auto; /* To center the container on the page*/
    min-height: 50px;
    padding-left: 50px; /* To prevent the text from "colliding with the background-image"*/
    width: 300px;

#title {
    font-family: "Arial Black", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 1.3em;
    text-transform: uppercase;

I have used Eric Meyers CSS reset to get rid of browser specific styles, but have left this out in the above code.

I have created a live example

The problem is that the background-image and the top of the text from the h2-tag do not align - there is a small "margin" in the top of the h2 tag. This margin seems to change with the font size. When I use Google Chromes inspector, it tells me that the margin and padding of the h2 and div tag are all 0px. As browsers render fonts differently, I don't mant to mess around with negative margins in case it breaks the layout. Is there a way to "safely" get rid of this margin? To be totally clear, what I want to acheive is this.

like image 653
Tomas Lieberkind Avatar asked Jun 08 '11 22:06

Tomas Lieberkind

1 Answers

I think your problem is the line-height on the <h2>. A bit of fiddling around tells me that you want it to be:

line-height: 10px;

You might need to use px for your font-size to get things to work consistently in various browsers.

like image 61
mu is too short Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

mu is too short