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CSS: fixed positioning, right: 0px but won't obey max-width

I cannot get positioning, max-width, and 'right: 0px' to work together in harmony! I'm creating a div that is fixed on my site in the upper right corner. The content of the page has a max-width of 1000px, however the label only obeys my rule of 'right: 0px' and sticks to the right, disobeying once max-width has been reached. It should also be noted that by default, the div is in the upper left and obeys the max-width (if I type 'left: 0px;' though, it does not obey the rule and it sticks to the left).


#content {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 1000px; }

#div {
width: 150px;
position: fixed;
right: 0px; } 

Here are some alternatives that I've already tried:

  • width: 100% (with text-align: right) <--- not quite right, and I don't like the 100% width as opposed to 150px
  • adding code to position the div "manually" in the html (not CSS)
  • I've discovered that float and text-align don't affect to fixed positioning

Help is greatly appreciated! Thank you.

like image 252
Emily Ryder Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 08:07

Emily Ryder

2 Answers

If I understand correctly, this is what you're after.

You need to add a container with an absolute position to get the content over to the right and then use a fixed position container to keep it top right where you need it.

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Jayx Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10


Alternative if you don't want to add additional absolute container

#div {
  width: 150px;
  position: fixed;
  right: calc(50% - 500px); /* will move the div as far as 50% of viewport
  then move it back to 500px (that is half of max-width) */

/* if needed, you can add media query */
@media (max-width: 1000px) {
  right: 0;
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Fatma Nabilla Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10

Fatma Nabilla