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CSS Auto Width is not Working with Flexbox

Greetings Overflowers,

I have an HTML page as follows:

1. HTML, BODY, DIVs and SPANs are reset to have 0px border, padding, margin and outline

2. HTML, BODY and DIV elements has display: -webkit-flex and -webkit-flex: 0 0 auto

3. HTML and BODY with height: 100vh and width: 100vw

4. Inside BODY, a DIV named #slider with display: -webkit-flex and -webkit-flex: 0 0 auto

5. Inside this #slider, two DIVs #sidebar and #main with display: -webkit-flex and -webkit-flex: 0 0 auto for both, width: 10rem for #sidebar and width: 100vw for #main

Problem: I was expecting the width of #slider to be 10rem + 100vw, but it is only 100vw even if I change the width of #main to something smaller such as 50vw!

Am I missing anything in here?

Kind regards

	unicode-bidi: bidi-override;
	-webkit-user-modify: read-write-plaintext-only;
	-webkit-touch-callout: none;
	-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
	-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
	-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s ease;

body, div, html, span {
	background: transparent;
	border: 0px;
	cursor: default;
	direction: rtl;
	margin: 0px;
	outline: none;
	padding: 0px;
	position: relative;
	-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
	-webkit-user-select: none;

body, html, div {
	background: black;
	display: -webkit-flex;
	overflow: hidden;
	-webkit-flex: none;

body, html {
	height: 100vh;
	width: 100vw;

span {
	background: white;

.stretch {
	-webkit-flex: 1;

.vertical {
	-webkit-flex-flow: column;

body>.slider {
	/*-webkit-transform: translateX(10rem);*/

#main {
	width: 100vw;

body>.slider>#west {
	width: 10rem;

#filter-sort.region, #filter-sort-options.region {
	width: 10rem;

#doc>#east {
	background: orange;
	height: 6rem;
	width: 6rem;
	-webkit-align-items: center;
	-webkit-justify-content: center;

#doc>#center {
	background: green;

#header, #doc-types {
	height: 2.75rem;

#preview {
	max-height: 6rem;
	max-width: 6rem;

#search.button, #filter-sort.button {
	background: red;
	width: 3rem;

#doc-type {
	background: blue;
	width: 5rem;
<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
		<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
	<body ng:controller="Docs">
		<div class="slider">
			<div id="main" class="region vertical">
				<div id="header" class="region">
					<div id="search" class="button"></div>
					<div id="center" class="region stretch">
					<div id="filter-sort" class="button"></div>
				<div id="doc-types" class="region">
					<div class="slider">
						<div id="doc-type" class="button"></div>
				<div id="docs" class="region">
					<div class="slider stretch vertical">
						<div id="doc" class="region">
							<div id="east" class="region">
								<div id="preview" class="region"></div>
							<div id="center" class="region stretch vertical">
								<span id="title" class="label"></span>
			<div id="west" class="region">
				<div class="slider">
					<div id="filter-sort" class="region vertical">
						<div id="header" class="region">
							<span id="title" class="label">Filter and Sort</span>
						<div id="grades" class="region">
							<div id="center" class="region stretch vertical">
								<span id="grades" class="label">Grade</span><br />
								<span id="grades" class="field"></span>
							<div id="west" class="region"></div>
						<div id="doc-topic" class="region">
							<div id="center" class="region stretch vertical">
								<span id="doc-topic" class="label">Doc Topic</span><br />
								<span id="doc-topic" class="field"></span>
							<div id="west" class="region"></div>
						<div id="course" class="region">
							<div id="center" class="region stretch vertical">
								<span id="course" class="label">Course</span><br />
								<span id="course" class="field"></span>
							<div id="west" class="region"></div>
						<div id="sort" class="region">
							<div id="center" class="region stretch vertical">
								<span id="sort" class="label">Sort</span><br />
								<span id="sort" class="field"></span>
							<div id="west" class="region"></div>
					<div id="filter-sort-options" class="region vertical">
						<div id="header" class="region">
							<div id="back" class="button"></div>
							<div id="center" class="region stretch">
								<span id="title" class="label">Options</span>
						<div id="grades" class="region">
							<div class="slider vertical">
								<span id="grade" class="label"></span>
						<div id="doc-topics" class="region">
							<div class="slider vertical">
								<span id="doc-topic" class="label"></span>
						<div id="courses" class="region">
							<div class="slider vertical">
								<span id="course" class="label"></span>
						<div id="sorts" class="region">
							<div class="slider vertical">
								<span id="sort" class="label"></span>
like image 889
geeko Avatar asked Jul 10 '13 04:07


1 Answers

See http://codepen.io/anon/pen/fluKI which works as you would expect (Chrome 27)

As far as I can tell from your description, you need to set the width and height of your flex container (#slider). Using flex: 0 0 auto; on #slider won't do what you expect since it is a flex container and not a flex item itself (read: it is not in a flex container).

Also please note that flex: 0 0 auto; is the same as saying flex: none; which removes the item's flexibility.

like image 117
stephenhay Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
