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Crosswalk error on android build in cordova project [closed]

I have Cordova based application based on backbone js.

But when I tried to create android build then it will give me following error.

[exec] > Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_armv7DebugApkCopy'.
[exec]    > Could not resolve org.xwalk:xwalk_core_library:23+.
[exec]      Required by:
[exec]          :android:unspecified
[exec]       > Could not resolve org.xwalk:xwalk_core_library:23+.
[exec]          > Failed to list versions for org.xwalk:xwalk_core_library.
[exec]             > Unable to load Maven meta-data from https://download.01.org/crosswalk/releases/crosswalk/android/maven2/org/xwalk/xwalk_core_library/maven-metadata.xml.
[exec]                > Could not GET 'https://download.01.org/crosswalk/releases/crosswalk/android/maven2/org/xwalk/xwalk_core_library/maven-metadata.xml'. 
                        Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden

It appears to be trying to fetch some data from this url: https://download.01.org/crosswalk/releases/crosswalk/android/maven2/org/xwalk/xwalk_core_library/maven-metadata.xml19

Which at this moment in time is throwing a 403. I tried building it with internet access turned off in case this is only necessary if it's available, but it tries and fails (obviously) to get it.

Is this build dependent on an active internet connection and a remote xml file that may or may not be available?

I have also tested with a solution from the ionic forum, and a white screen appears after installing the build on the device.

like image 745
Santosh Shinde Avatar asked Jan 30 '17 12:01

Santosh Shinde

1 Answers

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like image 140
Muhammad Shaharyar Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 23:11

Muhammad Shaharyar