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CredSSP Encryption Oracle Remediation Error



Hello we are using Azure Virtural Machine. Now We cannot remote into the server due to the following error message. Would like to get suggestion on the error since we don't have the support plan and the live agent suggest me to ask here.

Thanks all.

Error Message Image

like image 554
May Zin Mg Avatar asked May 10 '18 09:05

May Zin Mg

People also ask

Why is CredSSP encryption oracle not working on my computer?

This could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation. For more information, see link. An authentication error has occurred. The function requested is not supported. To fix This could be due to credssp encryption oracle remediation error, you need to install the latest Windows security update on the remote computer.

How to fix the connection problem with CredSSP?

To fix the connection problem, you need to temporarily disable the CredSSP version check on the computer from which you are connecting via RDP. This can be done using the local Group Policy editor. Locate the policy with the name Encryption Oracle Remediation, enable the policy and set the Protection level to Vulnerable;

Why is encryption oracle remediation blocking my RDP connection?

2 The server has the CredSSP update installed, and Encryption Oracle Remediation is set to Force updated clients. The server will block any RDP connection from clients that do not have the CredSSP update installed.

What does CredSSP stand for?

Error when you try to RDP to a Windows VM in Azure: CredSSP encryption oracle remediation 1 Symptoms. The Credential Security Support Provider protocol (CredSSP) updates for CVE-2018-0886 are applied to a Windows... 2 Cause. This error occurs if you are trying to establish an insecure RDP connection, and the insecure RDP connection is... More ...

2 Answers

So I resolved the issue temporarily. Follow these steps on your local computer (not on server)

Note : The below steps are not recommended by Microsoft. So follow these steps just to login to your machine and do necessary updates. Once it's done, revert the configuration changes

1 . Go to "Administrative Templates" (type /search it directly on window)

  1. enter image description here

Please see above image.

  1. Right click and edit Encryption Oracle Remediation.
  2. Make it enabled, and change protection level to "vulnerable"
  3. Click on Apply and close window.
  4. Try to connect to VM. And after establishing a connection, update the VM if there's any pending updates
like image 101
Manu Mohan Thekkedath Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10

Manu Mohan Thekkedath

For a fast workaround that doesn't involve any server side changes just type the following in a console with administrator privileges

reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\CredSSP\Parameters" /f /v AllowEncryptionOracle /t REG_DWORD /d 2

I didn't have permission (human permission) to make any change to the server so this was a perfect solution for me

like image 44
Gustavo Ulises Arias Méndez Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

Gustavo Ulises Arias Méndez