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CONTROL DATABASE issue when migrating SQL database to Azure

I'm following this tutorial on Microsoft Docs. I've reached the part where I use the "Data Migration Assistant", but after selecting the target Azure database and clicking "Next", I get the following error:

An unexpected error occurred. Current principal does not have CONTROL permission on securable AzureDatabaseName of class DATABASE.

I'm using the only user of the Azure SQL server - the server admin, which should have all permissions. I've verified that the user is 'db_owner' by using IS_ROLEMEMBER.

Am I missing something?

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Kostadin Mandulov Avatar asked Sep 11 '17 10:09

Kostadin Mandulov

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3 Answers

I had the same issue. This seems to be a bug in Azure SQL databases. If you have dots in the database name it does not work. I replaced the dots with slashes and it worked for me.

You do not need to recreate the database. A rename worked fine for me:

  1. You have to make sure, that no-one else is using the database!
  2. Connect to master table and execute the following script on the Azure SQL Server:

    USE master;
    ALTER DATABASE [my.database] Modify Name = [my-database] ;

Here is a link on how to rename Azure SQL databases:


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stoeren Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10


Also make sure to create a firewall rule for your incoming connection. This error can be a bit of a red herring.

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d.elish Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10


I deleted everything - the database, the sql server, and the resource group. Then I recreated everything using the same names, except the database name - which previously contained dots - and this time the migration tool worked. I guess I just encountered some bug.

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Kostadin Mandulov Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10

Kostadin Mandulov