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creating variable name by concatenating strings in php




I have a file named questions.php with an array as follows :

$question12 = array("Which is the tallest mountain","Mt Everest"); 

I am including this file in another file as follows :

require_once('questions.php'); $var = 12; $question = '$question'.$var.'[0]'; echo $question; 

The above code just outputs the following string (not the contents of the variable):


But I want the variable $question to contain the string present in $question12[0].

How do I accomplish this?

like image 370
Pradeep Avatar asked Jun 06 '13 06:06


People also ask

How concatenate URL in PHP?

Try this: $url = "www.example.com/$link"; When string is in double quotes you can put variables inside it. Variable value will be inserted into string.

1 Answers

Variable variable is not recommended, but the answer is below:

$question = ${'question'.$var}[0]; 
like image 114
xdazz Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
