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What is the PHP shorthand for: print var if var exist





We've all encountered it before, needing to print a variable in an input field but not knowing for sure whether the var is set, like this. Basically this is to avoid an e_warning.

<input value='<?php if(isset($var)){print($var);}; ?>'> 

How can I write this shorter? I'm okay introducing a new function like this:

<input value='<?php printvar('myvar'); ?>'> 

But I don't succeed in writing the printvar() function.

like image 605
bart Avatar asked Apr 29 '11 19:04


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2 Answers

For PHP >= 5.x:

My recommendation would be to create a issetor function:

function issetor(&$var, $default = false) {     return isset($var) ? $var : $default; } 

This takes a variable as argument and returns it, if it exists, or a default value, if it doesn't. Now you can do:

echo issetor($myVar); 

But also use it in other cases:

$user = issetor($_GET['user'], 'guest'); 

For PHP >= 7.0:

As of PHP 7 you can use the null-coalesce operator:

$user = $_GET['user'] ?? 'guest'; 

Or in your usage:

<?= $myVar ?? '' ?> 
like image 143
NikiC Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10


Another option:

<input value="<?php echo isset($var) ? $var : '' ?>"> 
like image 21
Galen Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10
