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Creating objects suddenly begins failing after they have been loaded in memory successfully

Application is loaded and being used as expected. Suddenly, a particular DLL can no longer be loaded. The error message is:
ActiveX component cannot create object.
In each case, the object had been created successfully many times before failure. All objects are marked for "retain in memory".

This error is cleared when the application pool is recycled. It may be hours or months before it is seen again.

Issue has happened within two hours of a refresh, as well as never happened in months of uptime.
Issue has happened with hundreds of simultaneous users (heavy usage) and also with 1-3 users.

While the issue is occurring, the process running that application pool cannot create the object that is failing. However it can create any other objects. Memory, CPU, and other resources all remain at normal usage. In addition, other processes (such as a stand-alone exe) can successfully create the object.

The first instance of the issue appeared in mid 2008. There have been less than fifty instances since then, despite a pool of hundreds of servers for it to occur on. All instances except one have failed on the same DLL.

DLL Failure Info:
most common - generic data structure implementing a b-tree, has no references other than to its interface. Code consists of arrays and one use of the vb6 Event functionality. The object has not been changed in any way since 2005.
one-time - interop to a .NET module. the failure is occurring when trying to create the interop object, not the .NET object. This object is updated a few times each year.

Application Environment:
IIS hosted application
VB6, classic ASP, some interop to minor .NET components
Windows Server 2003 / Windows Server 2008 (both have independently had the problem)

Attempts to Reproduce:
Using scripts (and real-life humans) to run the same end-user workflows that our logs reported the days before the issue occurred.
Using scripts to create/destroy suspected objects as fast as possible from multiple simultaneous sessions.
Wild speculation. No intentional success, but it does manifest randomly on the servers on its own.

Code reviews
Test harnesses to investigate upper limits of object creation / destruction
Verification of ability to create object outside of the process experiencing the issue
Monitoring of resources over time on servers under load
Review of IIS, error, and event logs to determine events leading up to issue

Any ideas on how to reproduce the issue?
What could cause this behavior?
Ideas for bypassing the first two questions in favor of a fast solution?

like image 686
Jesse Avatar asked Feb 15 '11 22:02


1 Answers

The DLL isn't on a network drive is it? You can get "glitches" where the drive is not available momentarily that then means COM can't do what it needs and could then fail to notice the drive is available again.

like image 145
Mark Hurd Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Mark Hurd