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Creating new shortcut in notepad++

I am trying to add a shortcut or a button in notepad++ to call an external program on the file I am currently editing.

For example, let's say I have the program "analyzer.jar". I would like to create a button (or shortcut) in notepad++ that would directly run the command "cmd -K java -jar analyzer.jar "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)".

Since I haven't found any solution yet, any help would be deeply appreciated :).

like image 697
alphabetbet Avatar asked Jul 06 '11 13:07


1 Answers

Well, in fact I found how easy it is to create a shortcut for a command:

  1. Go in the menu and select "Run → Run..." (or press f5)
  2. Type your command
  3. Click on "Save", and select the keyboard shortcut of your choice

Sometimes, when you look for complicated solutions, you don't see the simple ones...

like image 193
alphabetbet Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 14:11
