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Creating Monoids for every subclass using Scalaz (or Shapeless)

Is it possible to create monoids for every sub-class? For example,

package currency 

final case class GBP[A: Monoid](amount: A)

object Implicits {
  implicit class CurrencyOps[A: Monoid](a: A) {
    def GBP = currency.GBP(a)

  implicit def gbpMonoid[A: Monoid]: Monoid[GBP[A]] = new Monoid[GBP[A]] {
    override def zero =

    override def append(f1: GBP[A], f2: => GBP[A]): GBP[A] =
      GBP(Semigroup[A].append(f1.amount, f2.amount))

test("GBP support plus") {
  1.GBP |+| 2.GBP shouldBe 3.GBP // passed

I would like to add more case classes representing currency (e.g USD, EUR, ..)

sealed trait Currency
final case class GBP[A: Monoid](amount: A) extends Currency
final case class USD[A: Monoid](amount: A) extends Currency
final case class EUR[A: Monoid](amount: A) extends Currency

As a result, I have to implement monoids for new case classes. It's somewhat boilerplate.

implicit class CurrencyOps[A: Monoid](a: A) {
  def GBP = currency.GBP(a)
  def EUR = currency.EUR(a)
  def USD = currency.USD(a)

implicit def gbpMonoid[A: Monoid]: Monoid[GBP[A]] = new Monoid[GBP[A]] {
  override def zero =

  override def append(f1: GBP[A], f2: => GBP[A]): GBP[A] =
    GBP(Semigroup[A].append(f1.amount, f2.amount))

implicit def usdMonoid[A: Monoid]: Monoid[USD[A]] = new Monoid[USD[A]] {
  override def zero =

  override def append(f1: USD[A], f2: => USD[A]): USD[A] =
    USD(Semigroup[A].append(f1.amount, f2.amount))

implicit def eurMonoid[A: Monoid]: Monoid[EUR[A]] = new Monoid[EUR[A]] {
  override def zero =

  override def append(f1: EUR[A], f2: => EUR[A]): EUR[A] =
    EUR(Semigroup[A].append(f1.amount, f2.amount))
like image 453
1ambda Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 21:12


1 Answers

Small suggestions

First I'd like to propose remove Monoid requirement from case classes, as they will carry implicit value in each Currency instance. Without this requirement your wrappers could be much more efficient and even implemented as value classes:

  sealed trait Currency extends Any
  final case class GBP[A](amount: A) extends AnyVal with Currency
  final case class USD[A](amount: A) extends AnyVal with Currency
  final case class EUR[A](amount: A) extends AnyVal with Currency

Shapeless Implementation

From here you can build simple implementation via shapeless as required:

import scalaz._
import shapeless._

implicit def monoidCurrency[A, C[_] <: Currency]
(implicit monoid: Monoid[A], gen: Generic.Aux[C[A], A :: HNil]) =
  new Monoid[C[A]] {
    def zero: C[A] = gen.from(monoid.zero :: HNil)
    def append(f1: C[A], f2: => C[A]): C[A] = {
      val x = gen.to(f1).head
      val y = gen.to(f2).head
      gen.from(monoid.append(x, y) :: HNil)

and verify it

import scalaz.syntax.monoid._
import scalaz.std.anyVal._

println(2.USD |+| 3.USD) // USD(5)

Further improvements

You can get rid of shapeless at all. Consider such implementations:

trait CurrencyUnit{
  def show(amounts: String) = s"$amounts $this"

final case class Currency[A, U <: CurrencyUnit](amount: A) extends AnyVal

CurrencyUnit now is not a matter of class, it's just compile-time type-tag

implicit case object GBP extends CurrencyUnit
implicit case object USD extends CurrencyUnit{
  override def show(amounts: String) = s"$$$amounts "
implicit case object EUR extends CurrencyUnit

implicit class CurrencyOps[A](a: A) {
  def GBP = Currency[A, GBP.type](a)
  def EUR = Currency[A, EUR.type](a)
  def USD = Currency[A, USD.type](a)

which you can configure for your needs

import scalaz.syntax.show._

implicit def currencyShow[A: Show, U <: CurrencyUnit](implicit unit: U) =
  new Show[Currency[A, U]] {
    override def shows(f: Currency[A, U]) = unit.show(f.amount.shows)

And most important easily derive typeclasses via scalaz.Isomorphism.Iso functionality:

import Isomorphism._

implicit def currencyIso[A, U <: CurrencyUnit] = new (Currency[A, U] <=> A) {
  def to: (Currency[A, U]) => A = _.amount
  def from: (A) => Currency[A, U] = Currency[A, U]

implicit def currencyMonoid[A: Monoid, U <: CurrencyUnit] =
  new IsomorphismMonoid[Currency[A, U], A] {
    def G: Monoid[A] = implicitly
    def iso: Currency[A, U] <=> A = implicitly

Finally you can verify this solution too

import scalaz.syntax.monoid._
import scalaz.std.anyVal._

println((2.USD |+| 3.USD).shows) // $5
like image 154
Odomontois Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 20:04
