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Creating dynamic forms with .net.core

I have a requirement to have different forms for different clients which can all be configured in the background (in the end in a database)

My initial idea is to create an object for "Form" which has a "Dictionary of FormItem" to describe the form fields.

I can then new up a dynamic form by doing the following (this would come from the database / service):

   private Form GetFormData()
        var dict = new Dictionary<string, FormItem>();
        dict.Add("FirstName", new FormItem()
            FieldType = Core.Web.FieldType.TextBox,
            FieldName = "FirstName",
            Label = "FieldFirstNameLabel",
            Value = "FName"
        dict.Add("LastName", new FormItem()
            FieldType = Core.Web.FieldType.TextBox,
            FieldName = "LastName",
            Label = "FieldLastNameLabel",
            Value = "LName"
        dict.Add("Submit", new FormItem()
            FieldType = Core.Web.FieldType.Submit,
            FieldName = "Submit",
            Label = null,
            Value = "Submit"

        var form = new Form()
            Method = "Post",
            Action = "Index",
            FormItems = dict

        return form;

Inside my Controller I can get the form data and pass that into the view

        public IActionResult Index()
        var formSetup = GetFormData(); // This will call into the service and get the form and the values

        return View(formSetup);

Inside the view I call out to a HtmlHelper for each of the FormItems

@model Form
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers

@using FormsSpike.Core.Web
    ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";

@using (Html.BeginForm(Model.Action, "Home", FormMethod.Post))
    foreach (var item in Model.FormItems)

Then when posting back I have to loop through the form variables and match them up again. This feels very old school I would expect would be done in a model binder of some sort.

    public IActionResult Index(IFormCollection form)
        var formSetup = GetFormData();

        foreach (var formitem in form)
            var submittedformItem = formitem;

            if (formSetup.FormItems.Any(w => w.Key == submittedformItem.Key))
                FormItem formItemTemp = formSetup.FormItems.Single(w => w.Key == submittedformItem.Key).Value;
                formItemTemp.Value = submittedformItem.Value;
        return View("Index", formSetup);

This I can then run through some mapping which would update the database in the background.

My problem is that this just feels wrong :o{

Also I have used a very simple HtmlHelper but I can't really use the standard htmlHelpers (such as LabelFor) to create the forms as there is no model to bind to..

 public static HtmlString FieldFor(this IHtmlHelper html, KeyValuePair<string, FormItem> item)
        string stringformat = "";
        switch (item.Value.FieldType)
            case FieldType.TextBox:
                stringformat = $"<div class='formItem'><label for='item.Key'>{item.Value.Label}</label><input type='text' id='{item.Key}' name='{item.Key}' value='{item.Value.Value}' /></ div >";
            case FieldType.Number:
                stringformat = $"<div class='formItem'><label for='item.Key'>{item.Value.Label}</label><input type='number' id='{item.Key}' name='{item.Key}' value='{item.Value.Value}' /></ div >";
            case FieldType.Submit:
                stringformat = $"<input type='submit' name='{item.Key}' value='{item.Value.Value}'>";

        return new HtmlString(stringformat);

Also the validation will not work as the attributes (for example RequiredAttribute for RegExAttribute) are not there.

Am I having the wrong approach to this or is there a more defined way to complete forms like this?

Is there a way to create a dynamic ViewModel which could be created from the origional setup and still keep all the MVC richness?

like image 644
I Bowyer Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 17:03

I Bowyer

1 Answers

You can do this using my FormFactory library.

By default it reflects against a view model to produce a PropertyVm[] array:


var vm = new MyFormViewModel
    OperatingSystem = "IOS",
    OperatingSystem_choices = new[]{"IOS", "Android",};


but you can also create the properties programatically, so you could load settings from a database then create PropertyVm.

This is a snippet from a Linqpad script.


//import-package FormFactory
//import-package FormFactory.RazorGenerator

void Main()
    var properties = new[]{
        new PropertyVm(typeof(string), "username"){
            DisplayName = "Username",
            NotOptional = true,
        new PropertyVm(typeof(string), "password"){
            DisplayName = "Password",
            NotOptional = true,
            GetCustomAttributes = () => new object[]{ new DataTypeAttribute(DataType.Password) }
    var html = FormFactory.RazorEngine.PropertyRenderExtension.Render(properties, new FormFactory.RazorEngine.RazorTemplateHtmlHelper());   

    Util.RawHtml(html.ToEncodedString()).Dump(); //Renders html for a username and password field.


Theres a demo site with examples of the various features you can set up (e.g. nested collections, autocomplete, datepickers etc.)

like image 99
mcintyre321 Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 01:03
