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Creating class for defining constants in swift

Note: I want to achieve similar functionality in swift - Where to store global constants in an iOS application?

I have two classes - MasterViewController and DetailViewController

I want to define an enum (refer below enum) and use its values in both classes:

enum Planet: Int {
    case Mercury = 1, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

I tried to define it in MasterViewController and use it in DetailViewController like this:

let aPlanet = Planet.Earth

but compiler is complaining :(

"Use of unresolved identifier Planet"

Generally in my objective c code I used to have a global constant file, which I used to import in app-prefix.pch file, which was making it accessible to all files within my project, but in this case I am clueless.

like image 714
Devarshi Avatar asked Aug 08 '14 04:08


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To declare a constant, you use the let keyword. Take a look at the following example in which we declare street as a constant instead of a variable. If we only update the first line, replacing var with let , Xcode throws an error for obvious reasons. Trying to change the value of a constant is not allowed in Swift.

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Class constants can be useful if you need to define some constant data within a class. A class constant is declared inside a class with the const keyword. Class constants are case-sensitive. However, it is recommended to name the constants in all uppercase letters.

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In the previous episode of Swift Fundamentals, we briefly talked about variables and constants. You learned that the var keyword declares a variable and the let keyword declares a constant. Variables and constants both store values that can be referenced by a name.

2 Answers

If your enum is being defined in a class like this:

class MyClass {
    enum Planet: Int {
        // ...

You have to access it through your class:

var aPlanet = MyClass.Planet.Earth

You also want to use the rawValue property. You will need that to access the actual Int value:

var aPlanet = MyClass.Planet.Earth.rawValue
like image 93
drewag Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 04:10


In swift you can declare an enum, variable or function outside of any class or function and it will be available in all your classes (globally)(without the need to import a specific file).

like image 20
Atomix Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 05:10
