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Creating bins of a column and getting the count in pandas



i have a pandas dataframe:

item_code    price
   1           15
   1           30
   1           60
   2           50
   3           90
   4           110
   5           130
   4           150

We can see that the max price is 150. i want to divide it into 5 bins of 30 each(into new columns) and get the count of occurance of each item code in that price bin.

final df=

item_code    0-30    31-60    61-90    91-120    121-150
    1         2         1       0         0          0
    2         0         1       0         0          0
    3         0         0       1         0          0
    4         0         0       0         1          1
    5         0         0       0         0          1

i.e item_code 1 falls twice in the price range 0-30 therefore under column 0-30 put count as 2. item_code 1 falls once in price range 31-60. Therefore put count as 1.... Similarly for other item codes.

I tried using pd.cut

bins = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120,150]
df2 = pd.cut(df['price'], bins)

But it did not work.

like image 290
Shubham R Avatar asked Oct 18 '17 05:10

Shubham R

People also ask

How do I get column count in Pandas?

Pandas DataFrame count() MethodThe count() method counts the number of not empty values for each row, or column if you specify the axis parameter as axis='columns' , and returns a Series object with the result for each row (or column).

How do you group by and count in Pandas DataFrame?

Use count() by Column NameUse pandas DataFrame. groupby() to group the rows by column and use count() method to get the count for each group by ignoring None and Nan values. It works with non-floating type data as well.

How do you split data into bins in Python?

Use pd. cut() for binning data based on the range of possible values. Use pd. qcut() for binning data based on the actual distribution of values.

2 Answers


cats = ['0-30', '31-60', '61-90', '91-120', '121-150']
bins = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150]

Option 1
Use pd.get_dummies and pd.DataFrame.join

df[['item_code']].join(pd.get_dummies(pd.cut(df.price, bins, labels=cats)))

   item_code  0-30  31-60  61-90  91-120  121-150
0          1     1      0      0       0        0
1          1     1      0      0       0        0
2          1     0      1      0       0        0
3          2     0      1      0       0        0
4          3     0      0      1       0        0
5          4     0      0      0       1        0
6          5     0      0      0       0        1
7          4     0      0      0       0        1

Option 2
Using numpy's searchsorted and some string array addition.

from numpy.core.defchararray import add

bins = np.arange(30, 121, 30)

b = bins.astype(str)
cats = add(add(np.append('0', b), '-'), np.append(b, '150'))


   item_code  0-30  120-150  30-60  60-90  90-120
0          1     1        0      0      0       0
1          1     1        0      0      0       0
2          1     0        0      1      0       0
3          2     0        0      1      0       0
4          3     0        0      0      1       0
5          4     0        0      0      0       1
6          5     0        1      0      0       0
7          4     0        1      0      0       0

If you are looking to sum the like valued item_codes. You can use groupby instead of join

from numpy.core.defchararray import add

bins = np.arange(30, 121, 30)

b = bins.astype(str)
cats = add(add(np.append('0', b), '-'), np.append(b, '150'))


   item_code  0-30  120-150  30-60  60-90  90-120
0          1     2        0      1      0       0
1          2     0        0      1      0       0
2          3     0        0      0      1       0
3          4     0        1      0      0       1
4          5     0        1      0      0       0

Option 3
A very fast approach using pd.factorize and np.bincount

from numpy.core.defchararray import add

bins = np.arange(30, 121, 30)

b = bins.astype(str)
cats = add(add(np.append('0', b), '-'), np.append(b, '150'))

j, c = pd.factorize(bins.searchsorted(df.price))
i, r = pd.factorize(df.item_code.values)
n, m = c.size, r.size

    np.bincount(i * m + j, minlength=n * m).reshape(n, m),
    r, cats).rename_axis('item_code').reset_index()

   item_code  0-30  30-60  60-90  90-120  120-150
0          1     2      1      0       0        0
1          2     0      1      0       0        0
2          3     0      0      1       0        0
3          4     0      0      0       1        1
4          5     0      0      0       0        1
like image 54
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 13:10


Add parameter labels to cut and then groupby and aggregate size:

cats = ['0-30','31-60','61-90','91-120','121-150']
bins = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120,150]
df2 = (df.groupby(['item_code', pd.cut(df['price'], bins, labels=cats)])
print (df2)
price      0-30  31-60  61-90  91-120  121-150
1             2      1      0       0        0
2             0      1      0       0        0
3             0      0      1       0        0
4             0      0      0       1        1
5             0      0      0       0        1

EDIT If you want general solution, add reindex:

print (df)
   item_code  price
0          1     15
1          1     30
2          1     60
3          2     50
4          3     90
5          4    110

cats = ['0-30','31-60','61-90','91-120','121-150']
bins = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120,150]
df2 = (df.groupby(['item_code', pd.cut(df['price'], bins, labels=cats)])
        .reindex(columns=cats, fill_value=0))
print (df2)
price      0-30  31-60  61-90  91-120  121-150
1             2      1      0       0        0
2             0      1      0       0        0
3             0      0      1       0        0
4             0      0      0       1        0
like image 20
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10
