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Creating an iframe with given HTML dynamically

People also ask

How do I create an iframe in HTML?

To add an iframe in your HTML document use the HTML tag. iFrame short for inline frames are used to add external web pages in your current HTML web page. These iframes are independent of the surrounding elements of a web page.

Are iframes dead?

Nope, iframes are definitely not dead.

What's the best alternative to iframe?

Use the embed Tag as an Alternative to Iframe in HTML The embed tag is similar to the object tag, and it is used for the same purpose. We can embed various external resources in our web page using the embed tag. We can embed media like PDF, image, audio, video, and web pages.

Allthough your src = encodeURI should work, I would have gone a different way:

var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
var html = '<body>Foo</body>';

As this has no x-domain restraints and is completely done via the iframe handle, you may access and manipulate the contents of the frame later on. All you need to make sure of is, that the contents have been rendered, which will (depending on browser type) start during/after the .write command is issued - but not nescessarily done when close() is called.

A 100% compatible way of doing a callback could be this approach:

<html><body onload="parent.myCallbackFunc(this.window)"></body></html>

Iframes has the onload event, however. Here is an approach to access the inner html as DOM (js):

iframe.onload = function() {
   var div=iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById('mydiv');

Setting the src of a newly created iframe in javascript does not trigger the HTML parser until the element is inserted into the document. The HTML is then updated and the HTML parser will be invoked and process the attribute as expected.


var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
var html = '<body>Foo</body>';
iframe.src = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(html);
console.log('iframe.contentWindow =', iframe.contentWindow);

Also this answer your question it's important to note that this approach has compatibility issues with some browsers, please see the answer of @mschr for a cross-browser solution.

Thanks for your great question, this has caught me out a few times. When using dataURI HTML source, I find that I have to define a complete HTML document.

See below a modified example.

var html = '<html><head></head><body>Foo</body></html>';
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(html);

take note of the html content wrapped with <html> tags and the iframe.src string.

The iframe element needs to be added to the DOM tree to be parsed.


You will not be able to inspect the iframe.contentDocument unless you disable-web-security on your browser. You'll get a message

DOMException: Failed to read the 'contentDocument' property from 'HTMLIFrameElement': Blocked a frame with origin "http://localhost:7357" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

There is an alternative for creating an iframe whose contents are a string of HTML: the srcdoc attribute. This is not supported in older browsers (chief among them: Internet Explorer, and possibly Safari?), but there is a polyfill for this behavior, which you could put in conditional comments for IE, or use something like has.js to conditionally lazy load it.