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Creating all possible k combinations of n items in C++

There are n people numbered from 1 to n. I have to write a code which produces and print all different combinations of k people from these n. Please explain the algorithm used for that.

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Prannoy Mittal Avatar asked Oct 20 '12 19:10

Prannoy Mittal

People also ask

How do you find all the possible combinations of numbers?

To calculate combinations, we will use the formula nCr = n! / r! * (n - r)!, where n represents the total number of items, and r represents the number of items being chosen at a time. To calculate a combination, you will need to calculate a factorial.

How do you generate all possible combinations of one list?

Add a Custom Column to and name it List1. Enter the formula =List1. Expand out the new List1 column and then Close & Load the query to a table. The table will have all the combinations of items from both lists and we saved on making a custom column in List1 and avoided using a merge query altogether!

How many combinations of n items are there?

The number of combinations of n distinct objects, taken r at a time is: Cr = n! / r! (n - r)! Thus, 27,405 different groupings of 4 players are possible.

1 Answers

I assume you're asking about combinations in combinatorial sense (that is, order of elements doesn't matter, so [1 2 3] is the same as [2 1 3]). The idea is pretty simple then, if you understand induction / recursion: to get all K-element combinations, you first pick initial element of a combination out of existing set of people, and then you "concatenate" this initial element with all possible combinations of K-1 people produced from elements that succeed the initial element.

As an example, let's say we want to take all combinations of 3 people from a set of 5 people. Then all possible combinations of 3 people can be expressed in terms of all possible combinations of 2 people:

comb({ 1 2 3 4 5 }, 3) = { 1, comb({ 2 3 4 5 }, 2) } and { 2, comb({ 3 4 5 }, 2) } and { 3, comb({ 4 5 }, 2) } 

Here's C++ code that implements this idea:

#include <iostream> #include <vector>  using namespace std;  vector<int> people; vector<int> combination;  void pretty_print(const vector<int>& v) {   static int count = 0;   cout << "combination no " << (++count) << ": [ ";   for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { cout << v[i] << " "; }   cout << "] " << endl; }  void go(int offset, int k) {   if (k == 0) {     pretty_print(combination);     return;   }   for (int i = offset; i <= people.size() - k; ++i) {     combination.push_back(people[i]);     go(i+1, k-1);     combination.pop_back();   } }  int main() {   int n = 5, k = 3;    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { people.push_back(i+1); }   go(0, k);    return 0; } 

And here's output for N = 5, K = 3:

combination no 1:  [ 1 2 3 ]  combination no 2:  [ 1 2 4 ]  combination no 3:  [ 1 2 5 ]  combination no 4:  [ 1 3 4 ]  combination no 5:  [ 1 3 5 ]  combination no 6:  [ 1 4 5 ]  combination no 7:  [ 2 3 4 ]  combination no 8:  [ 2 3 5 ]  combination no 9:  [ 2 4 5 ]  combination no 10: [ 3 4 5 ]  
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dorserg Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
