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Creating a table linked to a csv file

I am trying to create a table linked to a *.csv file using d3, but all I get is a blank webpage. Even with the example Crimea I get a blank page.
I would be grateful to be directed or shown a working example or a suggestion of what I am doing wrong.

like image 673
adam.888 Avatar asked Feb 13 '12 21:02


People also ask

How do you a CSV file into table explain with example?

Formatting DataWhile on the Read CSV task, click the Add menu and select the Specify Data Options item. Then click Add again and select the Add Column item. Although the input file in this example contains 4 columns, you are only required to specify columns in which you are overriding the formatting on.

3 Answers

If you're asking about creating an HTML table from CSV data, this is what you want:

d3.csv("data.csv", function(data) {
    // the columns you'd like to display
    var columns = ["name", "age"];

    var table = d3.select("#container").append("table"),
        thead = table.append("thead"),
        tbody = table.append("tbody");

    // append the header row
            .text(function(column) { return column; });

    // create a row for each object in the data
    var rows = tbody.selectAll("tr")

    // create a cell in each row for each column
    var cells = rows.selectAll("td")
        .data(function(row) {
            return columns.map(function(column) {
                return {column: column, value: row[column]};
            .text(function(d) { return d.value; });

Check out the working example. If you're copying that code, you'll need to update the tabulate() function so that it either selects an existing table or a different container (rather than "#container"), then you can use it with CSV data like so:

d3.csv("path/to/data.csv", function(data) {
  tabulate(data, ["name", "age"]);
like image 51
Shawn Allen Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Shawn Allen

There is a bug in the answer proposed by @Shawn_allen.

To solve it just change the following line of code

return {column: column, value: row[column]};

by this one

return {column: column, value: row[columns.indexOf(column)]};

Enjoy !

like image 45
Fopa Léon Constantin Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Fopa Léon Constantin

Often, I need to refresh a table of data periodically. Here's how I populate a table with data:


<table id="t1">


function tabulate(data, columns) {
  var table = d3.select("#t1");
  table.select('tbody').remove();  // remove any existing data
  var tbody = table.append('tbody');
  data.forEach(function(row) {
    var tr = tbody.append('tr');
    columns.forEach(function(column) {
  return table;


  • I like to put table headers in the HTML, rather than generate them from JavaScript.
  • I didn't attach the data to the table rows and cells (like @Shawn shows in his answer), because I don't have a need for that. So the code is simpler.


like image 1
Mark Rajcok Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Mark Rajcok