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Creating a new r data.table column based on values in another column and grouping




I have a data.table with date, zipcode and purchase amounts.

DT <- data.table(date = Sys.Date()-365 + sort(sample(1:100, 10)), 
zip = sample(c("2000", "1150", "3000"),10, replace = TRUE), 
purchaseAmount = sample(1:20, 10))  

This creates the following:

    date       zip              purchaseAmount
 1: 2016-01-08 1150              5
 2: 2016-01-15 3000             15
 3: 2016-02-15 1150             16
 4: 2016-02-20 2000             18
 5: 2016-03-07 2000             19
 6: 2016-03-15 2000             11
 7: 2016-03-17 2000              6
 8: 2016-04-02 1150             17
 9: 2016-04-08 3000              7
10: 2016-04-09 3000             20

I would like to add a fourth column earlierPurchases. This column should sum all the values in purchaseAmount for the previous x date within the zipcode.

EDIT: As per suggestion from Frank, here is the expected output:

          date  zip purchaseAmount new_col
 1: 2016-01-08 1150              5       5
 2: 2016-01-15 3000             15      15
 3: 2016-02-15 1150             16      16
 4: 2016-02-20 2000             18      18
 5: 2016-03-07 2000             19      19
 6: 2016-03-15 2000             11      30
 7: 2016-03-17 2000              6      36
 8: 2016-04-02 1150             17      17
 9: 2016-04-08 3000              7       7
10: 2016-04-09 3000             20      27

Is there a data.table way to do this, or should I just write a looping function?

like image 986
Mantelimies Avatar asked Jan 03 '17 19:01


1 Answers

This seems to work:

DT[, new_col := 
  DT[.(zip = zip, d0 = date - 10, d1 = date), on=.(zip, date >= d0, date <= d1), 
  , by=.EACHI ]$V1

          date  zip purchaseAmount new_col
 1: 2016-01-08 1150              5       5
 2: 2016-01-15 3000             15      15
 3: 2016-02-15 1150             16      16
 4: 2016-02-20 2000             18      18
 5: 2016-03-07 2000             19      19
 6: 2016-03-15 2000             11      30
 7: 2016-03-17 2000              6      36
 8: 2016-04-02 1150             17      17
 9: 2016-04-08 3000              7       7
10: 2016-04-09 3000             20      27

This uses a "non-equi" join, effectively taking each row; finding all rows that meet our criteria in the on= expression for each row; and then summing by row (by=.EACHI). In this case, a non-equi join is probably less efficient than some rolling-sum approach.

How it works.

To add columns to a data.table, the usual syntax is DT[, new_col := expression]. Here, the expression actually works even outside of the DT[...]. Try running it on its own:

DT[.(zip = zip, d0 = date - 10, d1 = date), on=.(zip, date >= d0, date <= d1), 
, by=.EACHI ]$V1

You can progressively simplify this until it's just the join...

DT[.(zip = zip, d0 = date - 10, d1 = date), on=.(zip, date >= d0, date <= d1), 
, by=.EACHI ]
# note that V1 is the default name for computed columns

DT[.(zip = zip, d0 = date - 10, d1 = date), on=.(zip, date >= d0, date <= d1)]
# now we're down to just the join

The join syntax is like x[i, on=.(xcol = icol, xcol2 < icol2)], as documented in the doc page that opens when you type ?data.table into an R console with the data.table package loaded.

To get started with data.table, I'd suggest reviewing the vignettes. After that, this'll probably look a lot more legible.

like image 176
Frank Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 13:11
