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creating a json object from pandas dataframe

      Groups sub-groups selections
    0   sg1    csg1       sc1
    1   sg1    csg1       sc2
    2   sg1    csg2       sc3
    3   sg1    csg2       sc4
    4   sg2    csg3       sc5
    5   sg2    csg3       sc6
    6   sg2    csg4       sc7
    7   sg2    csg4       sc8

I have the dataframe mentioned above and I am trying to create a JSON object as follows:

  "sg1": {
    "csg1": ['sc1', 'sc2'],
    "csg2": ['sc3', 'sc4']
  "sg2": {
    "csg3": ['sc5', 'sc6'],
    "csg4": ['sc7', 'sc8']

I tried using the pandas to_json and to_dict with orient arguments but I am not getting the expected result. I also tried grouping by the columns and then creating the list and converting it into a JSON.

Any help is much appreciated.

like image 926
Rishabh Malhotra Avatar asked Sep 23 '20 06:09

Rishabh Malhotra

People also ask

How do I create a JSON from a DataFrame?

To convert the object to a JSON string, then use the Pandas DataFrame. to_json() function. Pandas to_json() is an inbuilt DataFrame function that converts the object to a JSON string. To export pandas DataFrame to a JSON file, then use the to_json() function.

Is pandas good for JSON?

Parsing of JSON Dataset using pandas is much more convenient. Pandas allow you to convert a list of lists into a Dataframe and specify the column names separately.

1 Answers

You can groupby ['Groups','sub-groups'] and build a dictionary from the multiindex series with a dictionary comprehension:

s = df.groupby(['Groups','sub-groups']).selections.agg(list)
d = {k1:{k2:v} for (k1,k2),v in s.iteritems()}

# {'sg1': {'csg2': ['sc3', 'sc4']}, 'sg2': {'csg4': ['sc7', 'sc8']}}
like image 61
yatu Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 02:10
