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Python concurrent.futures Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs: OSError: handle is closed only running in Visual studio Debugging Mode

I trying to implement the concurrent.futures have been having an issue, I generated a code that when executed in:

  • Python Terminal

  • Enters in some infinite loop in my last loop and do not finish the code, this code below do finish, however reproduces the error thgat i receive in the Debug Mode below
  • So when I run it in Visual Studio Code Debug Mode

  • Generates the folowing error:

    Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\debor\anaconda3\envs\multimidia_image\lib\concurrent\futures\process.py", line 102, in _python_exit
      File "C:\Users\debor\anaconda3\envs\multimidia_image\lib\concurrent\futures\process.py", line 90, in wakeup
      File "C:\Users\debor\anaconda3\envs\multimidia_image\lib\multiprocessing\connection.py", line 183, in send_bytes
      File "C:\Users\debor\anaconda3\envs\multimidia_image\lib\multiprocessing\connection.py", line 136, in _check_closed
        raise OSError("handle is closed")
    OSError: handle is closed

This code reproduces the error in the Debug Mode:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import concurrent.futures
import multiprocessing
from itertools import product

def main_execucao(n_exec,input_n_geracoes_max,tipo_apt,input_pop_0,tipo_pop_gerar,tipo_selecao_crossover,tour,tipo_crossover,input_p_cross,tipo_mutacao,tipo_reinsercao,words):

    # Dicionário vazio para armazenar resultados por geração n+1
    resultados = {}
    resultados[("teste")] = [1,0]
    return resultados

def main(): 

    # Parametros problemáticos Process
    tmi = ["tm1"]
    si = ["s1"]
    ci = ["c1"]
    ri = ["r2"]

    # Lista de variantes
    variantes = list(product(*[tmi, si, ci, ri]))

    # Numero de execuções
    input_n_execucoes = 3

    # Inputs para main

    # Inputs gerais

    # Lista iterável para chamar função

    # Numero de gerações
    input_n_geracoes_max =  [50] * len(lista_n_exec)

    # Palavras
    words_lista=[words]* len(lista_n_exec)

    for param in variantes:

        # Inputs parameters
        # Tipo aptidao (apt_1= aptidão simples, apt_2 aptidão invertida, apt_3 invertida normalizada pior valor)
        tipo_apt = "apt_1"
        tipo_apt_lista = [tipo_apt] * len(lista_n_exec)

        # População inicial

        input_pop_0 = [100] * len(lista_n_exec)

        tipo_pop_gerar = ["sem_repeticao_populacao_inicial"] * len(lista_n_exec)

        nome_selecao_cross  =param[1]
        tipo_selecao_crossover = [nome_selecao_cross] * len(lista_n_exec)
        tour = [3] * len(lista_n_exec)# Apenas se seleção for torneio 

        # Tipo de crossover

        nome_cross = param[2]
        tipo_crossover = [nome_cross] * len(lista_n_exec)
        # % de Crossover
        input_p_cross = [0.8] * len(lista_n_exec)

        # % de mutação

        nome_mutacao = param[0]
        if nome_mutacao=="tm1":
        elif nome_mutacao=="tm2":
        elif nome_mutacao=="tm3":

        tipo_mutacao = [perc_mutacao] * len(lista_n_exec)

        # Tipo de reinserção

        nome_reinsercao = param[3]
        tipo_reinsercao = [nome_reinsercao] * len(lista_n_exec)

        # Finaliza inputs

        # Index contar número de execuções e gerações

        # Número total de convergencias após todas execuções 

        # Dicionário para armazenar resultados de todas as n execuções

        with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:

            for result in (executor.map(main_execucao,lista_n_exec,input_n_geracoes_max,tipo_apt_lista,input_pop_0,tipo_pop_gerar,tipo_selecao_crossover,tour,tipo_crossover,input_p_cross,tipo_mutacao,tipo_reinsercao,words_lista)):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Do anyone have a clue of what i can try? I have found a similar issue: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-python/issues/423

Many thanks

like image 619
dtkx Avatar asked Sep 16 '20 18:09


2 Answers

Per #434,

Python Standard Library - concurrent.futures used thread to manage tasks queue, therefore when sentry patched start method of Thread, it will cause reference cycle and prevent gc from collecting.

So in concurrent.futures.process, the _queue_management_thread in _threads_wakeups will be discarded until running a full gc collection, if not, exception will be raise when python exited, because the actual manage thread has already stopped.

The fix can be found there, permitting one to manually input it into their Python 3.8 rather than upgrading to Python 3.9.

like image 145
A. Hendry Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

A. Hendry

See if the problem goes away by switching from using the concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor class to using the multiprocess.pool.Pool class by changing two lines:

Change from:

        with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:

            for result in (executor.map(main_execucao,lista_n_exec,input_n_geracoes_max,tipo_apt_lista,input_pop_0,tipo_pop_gerar,tipo_selecao_crossover,tour,tipo_crossover,input_p_cross,tipo_mutacao,tipo_reinsercao,words_lista)):


        with multiprocessing.Pool() as executor:

            for result in (executor.starmap(main_execucao,zip(lista_n_exec,input_n_geracoes_max,tipo_apt_lista,input_pop_0,tipo_pop_gerar,tipo_selecao_crossover,tour,tipo_crossover,input_p_cross,tipo_mutacao,tipo_reinsercao,words_lista))):

You can also, of course, now remove the import concurrent.futures statement.

like image 23
Booboo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
