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Create new user in sonar



Is it possible to create a new user in sonar without using the web interface? I need to write a script that inserts the same users for some tools, including sonar.

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Madalina Avatar asked Aug 25 '10 15:08


People also ask

What is the default user group for sonar?

When installing SonarQube, a default user with Administer System permission is created automatically: Login: admin. Password: admin.

How do I find my SonarQube username and password?

Sonar, by default, creates an Administrator account with username admin and password admin . Point your browser at http://localhost:9000/ . At the top right of the dashboard, click on the Log in link and fill in the form with username as admin and password as admin .

2 Answers

There are three ways you can do this:

  1. Write directly to the database (there is a simple table called users).

  2. Use the LDAP plugin, if you specify sonar.authenticator.createUsers: true in sonar.properties, it will create the users in the sonar database automatically the first time they authenticate.

  3. Write a java application that depends on the sonar plugin API, you can then use constructor injection to get a Sonar hibernate session and persist the user you want. See Here.

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shipmaster Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10


Since SonarQube version 3.6, there is support for user management in webservice API: https://sonarqube.com/web_api/api/users


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Leandro Conca Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Leandro Conca