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Create and install de-lomboked source jar in maven





Disclaimer: I have solved this problem and am documenting the solution for the world to know.

How do I create and install a *-sources.jar containing "delomboked" source code in maven?

By default, The maven-source-plugin creates a sources jar without delomboking the source files, which causes projects that depend on the library binaries to complain about mismatching source files.

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coderatchet Avatar asked Sep 17 '18 07:09


People also ask

How do I create a maven source?

If you prefer to use the Maven command prompt, simply run the command mvn clean generate-sources or mvn clean generate-test-sources (if using test resoures for PageYaml) from your project directory. If you would like to do this from Eclipse, right click your project and choose Maven > Update Project configuration.

What is sources jar in Maven?

The source plugin can be used to create a jar file of the project sources from the command line or by binding the goal to the project's build lifecycle. To generate the jar from the command line, use the following command: mvn source:jar.

What is source jar?

That sources jar is a jar that contains only the source code (the . java files) corresponding to the compiled artifact. It is useful to add it as a source attachment in your IDE, to publish the sources, etc. As it only contains sources, not compiled classes (. class files), it is of no use as a library dependency.

1 Answers

TL;DR (explained beneath)

Add the following plugins configuration to your plugins configuration in the project.build element of your pom.xml

                    <jar destfile="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}-sources.jar"


lombok-maven-plugin will enable you to delombok the source code (${project.basedir}/src/main/java) and place it in the target directory (${project.build.directory}/delombok). Usually this will place the code in the ${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/delombok folder, but because Intellij automatically considers this additional source-code, duplicate code errors will occur when developing your library, in order to stop this, just specify a non-default target directory (in this case just outside of the generated-sources dir).

maven-resources-plugin is necessary in order to also copy resources from the standard ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources directory. If there are any other non-standard resource directories in your project, you should configure them in the resources section for this plugin.

maven-antrun-plugin is used instead of the maven-source-plugin because you cannot specify a custom source directory in the later. The jar task points to our custom "generated-sources" and produces the standard-named sources jar.

maven-install-plugin install-file goal is used because you cannot attach jars using the install goal. We can hack a solution by manually installing a file using the install-file goal with a classifier of sources.

I hope this helps others who are on struggle street like I was with this problem.

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coderatchet Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09
