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Spring Data JPA: Sorting and paging with joined tables

I have a scenario where I want to filter, sort and page over a result where 3 tables take part.

At the moment I use Spring Data JPA's Specification feature to do it on a single entity: repository.findAll(specification, pageRequest).

This works great, but now I have another scenario where the sort / filter attributes are spread over 3 tables which are connected by one-to-many relations.

Here is my scenario:

public class CustomerEntity ... {

  @Column(nullable = false)
  public String                                 customerNumber;

  @OneToMany(mappedBy = "customer", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
  public List<CustomerItemEntity> items;

public class CustomerItemEntity ... {

  @Column(nullable = false)
  public String                                 itemNumber;

  @ManyToOne(optional = false)
  @JoinColumn(name = "customerId")
  public CustomerEntity customer;

  @OneToMany(mappedBy = "item", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
  public List<DocumentEntity> documents;

public class DocumentEntity ... {

  @Column(nullable = false)
  public LocalDate                                 validDate;

  @ManyToOne(optional = false)
  @JoinColumn(name = "itemId")
  public CustomerItemEntity item;

Is there a way to use PageRequest and Specification where customerNumber, itemNumber and validDate are used for filtering, sorting and paging at the same time?

like image 596
Tobi Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 14:08


2 Answers

Try something like this:

Specification<CustomerEntity> joins = (customer, query, cb) ->  {
    // from CustomerEntity c
    // join c.items i
    Join<CustomerEntity, CustomerItemEntity> items = customer.join("items");

    // join i.documents d
    Join<CustomerItemEntity, DocumentEntity> documents = items.join("documents");

    // // where c.customerNumber = ?1 and i.itemNumber = ?2 and d.validDate = ?3 
    return cb.and( 
            customer.equal(customer.get("customerNumber", customerNumber)),
            items.equal(items.get("itemNumber", itemNumber)), 
            documents.equal(documents.get("validDate", validDate))

// sort by c.customerNumber asc
PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(0, 2, new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "customerNumber"));

Page<CustomerEntity> customerPage = CustomerRepo.findAll(joins, pageRequest);

But I don't know why do you need Specification here?

You can make the same more simpler:

@Query("select c from CustomerEntity c join c.items i join i.documents d where c.customerNumber = ?1 and i.itemNumber = ?2 and d.validDate = ?3")
Page<CustomerEntity> getCustomers(String customerNumber, String itemNumber, LocaleDate validDate, Pageable pageable);  

But all this does not make sense since your three entities have sequential one-to-many associations. In this case instead of three conditions you can use only last one: where d.validDate = ?1. Then a query method became even easier:

@Query("select c from CustomerEntity c join c.items i join i.documents d where d.validDate = ?1")
Page<CustomerEntity> getCustomers(LocaleDate validDate, Pageable pageable);


To add sorting by a field of joined entity we can use orderBy method of the query:

Specification<CustomerEntity> joins = (customer, query, cb) ->  {

    Join<CustomerEntity, CustomerItemEntity> items = customer.join("items");
    Join<CustomerItemEntity, DocumentEntity> documents = items.join("documents");

    // Ascending order by 'Document.itemNumber'

    return cb.and( 
            customer.equal(customer.get("customerNumber", customerNumber)),
            items.equal(items.get("itemNumber", itemNumber)), 
            documents.equal(documents.get("validDate", validDate))

Page<CustomerEntity> customerPage = CustomerRepo.findAll(joins, new PageRequest(0, 2));

To sort by several parameters you can pass them to the method separated by commas or by a List:

query.orderBy(cb.asc(items.get("customerNumber")), cb.desc(documents.get("itemNumber")));
like image 97
Cepr0 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09


I found out that you can sort by contents of OneToMany column by using join alias you can create using custom query. In repository my code it was:

@Query("select p from Person p join p.roles r")
Page<Person> search(Pageable pageable);

So I was able to sort using:


Passed from controller using:

@PageableDefault(size = 15, sort = "r.role") Pageable pageable
like image 23
Ondřej Stašek Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 11:09

Ondřej Stašek