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Create an instance of derived class from the base class

I have my abstract base class A:

public abstract class A : ICloneable {

    public int Min { get; protected set; }
    public int Max { get; protected set; }

    public A(int low, int high)
        this.Min = low;
        this.Max = high;


    public object Clone()
        return new this(this.Min, this.Max); //<-- ??

Which is extended by my class B:

public class B : A
    public B(int low, int high) : base(low, high) { }


Since A is abstract, it cannot be instantiated, but the derived class can. Is it possible to, from class A, create a new instance of class B?

Suppose class A has many derived classes, how will it know which one to instantiate?

Well, I want to instantiate the same class (or type) my currently A is.

That is, if I'm calling the Clone method from a class B, I want to instantiate a new B. If I'm calling the Clone method from a class C, I want to instantiate a new C.

My approach was to write something like:

return new this(this.Min, this.Max);

But that doesn't seem to work nor compile.

Is it possible to accomplish this in C#?

If it isn't, is there an explanation so I can understand?

like image 725
Matias Cicero Avatar asked Aug 06 '14 14:08

Matias Cicero

1 Answers

Yes, this is possible with an abstract factory method on your base class

public abstract class A
   public int Min { get; protected set; }
   public int Max { get; protected set; }

   public A(int low, int high)
       this.Min = low;
       this.Max = high;
   protected abstract A CreateInstance(int low, int high);

   public object Clone()
      return this.CreateInstance(this.Min,this.Max);

public class B:A
   public B(int low, int high)
      : base(low,high)
   protected override A CreateInstance(int low, int high)
      return new B(low,high);     
like image 60
Jamiec Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10
