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Syntax error: Missing operand before '=' operator




I have code like this:

DataRow[] drClaimCPT;
drClaimCPT = dtCpt.Select("CLAIM_NUMBER == " + claimNo + "");

When I run, I got an error:

Syntax error: Missing operand before '=' operator.

What did I do wrong?

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Sharon Avatar asked Feb 13 '14 09:02


3 Answers

This should work for you if type is integer:

drClaimCPT = dtCpt.Select("CLAIM_NUMBER = " + claimNo + "");

for string:

drClaimCPT = dtCpt.Select("CLAIM_NUMBER = '" + claimNo + "'");
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Sadique Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09


I assume your claimNo is number, the right syntax is;

dtCpt.Select("CLAIM_NUMBER = " + claimNo + "");

DataTable.Select method uses same rules with DataColumn.Expression property by the way.

If your claimNo is a string, you should use single quotes with it.

dtCpt.Select("CLAIM_NUMBER = 'claimNo'");

From documentation;

User-Defined Values

User-defined values may be used within expressions to be compared with column values. String values should be enclosed within single quotation marks

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Soner Gönül Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Soner Gönül

Your actual issue was using double '=' - that is the coding equals - rememebr it is SQL equals - so only it should be "CLAIM_NUMBER = claimNo" , not "CLAIM_NUMBER == claimNo".

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Ryno Potgieter Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Ryno Potgieter