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Create a relationship only if not exist in neo4j



I want to add a relationship between two nodes, but only if the relationship does not exist. For example:

The Relationship between node1 and node2 currently exists with these properties: time:41221323,link:www.google.com

I am trying to add a relationship with different properties for example:


In this case i want to keep the original properties on the relationship.

like image 842
Bakalash Avatar asked Apr 20 '16 13:04


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1 Answers

You can use the below CQL query:

MATCH(a: startNodeLabel {attributes to match start node})
MATCH(m:endNodeLabel {attributes to match end node}) 

The above merge statement creates relation between nodes a and m if there is no existing relationship between a and m.

like image 71
Vanaja Jayaraman Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Vanaja Jayaraman