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data model for tree structure (file system): document model vs graph model

I'm evaluating a nosql solution for implement a file system like structure, with millions of items, where key features have to be:

  • speed finding "parents" or "direct childs" or "subtree childs" of an item filtered by n item properties, with page results sorted by item property.

having this requirements i split the problem in 2 task:

  1. model the recursive items structure for search childs/subtree childs
  2. model the item structure for search over items property

Now the power of nosql schema free is a good feature for store different properties for each file, and this is good for point 2.

I have instead some doubt over point 1 about the pros / cons to use a document database (example mongodb) with a single collection of items and a materialized path design pattern, or using a graph database (example arangodb) with 2 collection: items for data (document collection), and itemsParents for parent-child relation (edge collection) and a graph traverse function.

There are advantages in performance using a graph database for my requirements?

graph traverse is more efficient over materialized path filter to accomplish my task?

If yes, can you explain me why?


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Claudio Avatar asked Oct 18 '15 22:10


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Is Neo4j a document database?

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1 Answers

A graph database would certainly be a great choice for a hierarchical structure like a filesystem. Speaking specifically of Neo4j you could have a schema such as:


Finding a file or a folder is as simple as the following Cypher:

MATCH (file:File {path: '/dir/file'})

To find all of the files/folders directly under a folder:

MATCH (folder:Folder {path: '/dir'})<-[:IN_FOLDER]-(file_or_folder)
RETURN file_or_folder

If you wanted to find all files/folders recursively you could do:

MATCH (folder:Folder {path: '/dir'})<-[:IN_FOLDER*1..5]-(file_or_folder)
RETURN file_or_folder

The 1..5 adjusts the depth (from one to five levels) which you are searching.

For all of these you'd want an index on the path property for both the Folder and File labels. Of course you wouldn't need to do it this way, depending on your use-case.

The reason that Neo4j can be so much faster in this case is because once you find a node on disk the relationships can be traversed with just a few file accesses as opposed to searching an entire table or index for each hop. I recommend checking out the free book Graph Databases by O'Reilly for details on the internals of Neo4j.

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Brian Underwood Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Brian Underwood