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Create a one to many relationship using SQL Server

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How do you create a one-to-many relationship?

To create a one-to-many relationship The field on the one side (typically the primary key) of the relationship must have a unique index. This means that the Indexed property for this field should be set to Yes (No Duplicates). The field on the many side should not have a unique index.

How do you write a one-to-one relationship in SQL?

One way to implement a one-to-one relationship in a database is to use the same primary key in both tables. Rows with the same value in the primary key are related. In this example, France is a country with the id 1 and its capital city is in the table capital under id 1.

How do you store a one-to-many relationship in a database?

To define a one-to-many relationship between two tables, the child table has to reference a row on the parent table. The steps required to define it are: Add a column to the child table that will store the value of the primary identifier.

How do I join one-to-many tables in SQL?

In this case the two tables are joined using the relationship table1.id = table2.id . It is possible to use multiple join statements together to join more than one table at the same time. To do that you add a second INNER JOIN statement and a second ON statement to indicate the third table and the second relationship.

  1. Define two tables (example A and B), with their own primary key
  2. Define a column in Table A as having a Foreign key relationship based on the primary key of Table B

This means that Table A can have one or more records relating to a single record in Table B.

If you already have the tables in place, use the ALTER TABLE statement to create the foreign key constraint:

ALTER TABLE A ADD CONSTRAINT fk_b FOREIGN KEY (b_id) references b(id) 
  • fk_b: Name of the foreign key constraint, must be unique to the database
  • b_id: Name of column in Table A you are creating the foreign key relationship on
  • b: Name of table, in this case b
  • id: Name of column in Table B

This is a simple example of a classic Order example. Each Customer can have multiple Orders, and each Order can consist of multiple OrderLines.

You create a relation by adding a foreign key column. Each Order record has a CustomerID in it, that points to the ID of the Customer. Similarly, each OrderLine has an OrderID value. This is how the database diagram looks:

enter image description here

In this diagram, there are actual foreign key constraints. They are optional, but they ensure integrity of your data. Also, they make the structure of your database clearer to anyone using it.

I assume you know how to create the tables themselves. Then you just need to define the relationships between them. You can of course define constraints in T-SQL (as posted by several people), but they're also easily added using the designer. Using SQL Management Studio, you can right-click the Order table, click Design (I think it may be called Edit under 2005). Then anywhere in the window that opens right-click and select Relationships.

You will get another dialog, on the right there should be a grid view. One of the first lines reads "Tables and Columns Specification". Click that line, then click again on the little [...] button that appears on the right. You will get this dialog:

Foreign key constraint

The Order table should already be selected on the right. Select the Customer table on the left dropdown. Then in the left grid, select the ID column. In the right grid, select the CustomerID column. Close the dialog, and the next. Press Ctrl+S to save.

Having this constraint will ensure that no Order records can exist without an accompanying Customer record.

To effectively query a database like this, you might want to read up on JOINs.

This is how I usually do it (sql server).

Create Table Master (
MasterID int identity(1,1) primary key,
Stuff varchar(10)
Create Table Detail (
DetailID int identity(1,1) primary key,
MasterID int references Master, --use 'references'
Stuff varchar(10))
Insert into Master values('value')
--(1 row(s) affected)
Insert into Detail values (1, 'Value1') -- Works
--(1 row(s) affected)
insert into Detail values (2, 'Value2') -- Fails
--Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 2
--The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Detail__MasterID__0C70CFB4". 
--The conflict occurred in database "Play", table "dbo.Master", column 'MasterID'.
--The statement has been terminated.

As you can see the second insert into the detail fails because of the foreign key. Here's a good weblink that shows various syntax for defining FK during table creation or after.


If you are not using SSMS then here is the syntax:

ALTER TABLE <table_name>
ADD <constraint_name> FOREIGN KEY 
(<column_name1> ,
<column_name2> )
REFERENCES <table_name>
(<column_name1> ,
