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Create a new file with a similar name in Emacs with Helm

I always end up opening an eshell and executing find-file new-file-name, because helm always supplies me with candidates and a million options that don't look like the basic feature that I want: forcing the file to be called what I typed. For example, I want to great an org document called mto.org in a directory with another org file in it.

Helm completes rather than letting me make a new file :(

How can I force helm to create the file with the name I typed, so I can save 10 seconds by avoiding opening up eshell and adding a small, but (hopefully easily) avoidable disruption of my concentration?

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wdkrnls Avatar asked Sep 08 '14 17:09


People also ask

How to create new file in Emacs?

To create a new file, use Control-X-Control-F, just as if the file already existed. When emacs asks you for the file name, type in the name you want your new file to have, and emacs will create the file, and display an empty buffer for you to type in. Emacs will perform file name completion for you.

1 Answers

You can press C-p and select the line

[?] mto.org

and then just press RET. It will (ask you to) create the file with the name you typed.

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ale Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 05:11
