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Create a Lambda notification in an S3 bucket with CloudFormation


I'm trying to create an S3 trigger for a Lambda function in a CloudFormation Template. The S3 bucket already exists, and the Lambda function is being created.

This says it's not possible to modify pre-existing infrastructure (S3 in this case) with a CFT, but this seems to say that the bucket has to be pre-existing.

  1. It seems that the trigger can't be created using a CFT type "AWS::Lambda..." and that the source service needs to create the trigger. In my case, that's a NotificationConfiguration-LambdaConfiguration for an s3 bucket. Is all of that correct?

  2. When I try to add a NotificationConfiguration to an existing S3 bucket with a CFT, it says that I can't. Is there any way to do this?

like image 378
Andrew Avatar asked Aug 03 '16 20:08


People also ask

Can CloudFormation trigger Lambda?

AWS CloudFormation invokes your Lambda function asynchronously with an event that includes a callback URL. The function is responsible for returning a response to the callback URL that indicates success or failure. For the full response syntax, see Custom resource response objects.

Can CloudFormation interact with Lambda?

Using AWS CloudFormation to deploy AWS Lambda functions provides a reliable, reproducible and version-able deployment mechanism. But while simple deployments are easily achieved, it can be challenging to produce templates that seamlessly deploy to any AWS Region supported by Lambda.

1 Answers

Unfortunately, the official AWS::CloudFormation template only allows you to control Amazon S3 NotificationConfiguration as a NotificationConfiguration property of the parent AWS::S3::Bucket Resource, which means that you can't attach this configuration to any existing bucket, you have to apply it to a CloudFormation-managed bucket for it to work.

A workaround is to implement the PUT Bucket Notification API call directly as a Lambda-backed Custom Resource using the putBucketNotificationConfiguration JavaScript API call. However, because modifying the NotificationConfiguration on S3 buckets is restricted to the bucket's creator, you also need to add an AWS::S3::BucketPolicy Resource granting your Lambda Function access to the s3:PutBucketNotification action.

Here's a complete, self-contained CloudFormation template that demonstrates how to trigger a Lambda function whenever a file is added to an existing S3 bucket, using 2 Lambda-Backed Custom Resources (BucketConfiguration to set the bucket notification configuration, S3Object to upload an object to the bucket) and a third Lambda function (BucketWatcher to trigger the Wait Condition when an object is uploaded to the bucket).

Launch Stack

Description: Upload an object to an S3 bucket, triggering a Lambda event, returning the object key as a Stack Output. Parameters:   Key:     Description: S3 Object key     Type: String     Default: test   Body:     Description: S3 Object body content     Type: String     Default: TEST CONTENT   BucketName:     Description: S3 Bucket name (must already exist)     Type: String Resources:   BucketConfiguration:     Type: Custom::S3BucketConfiguration     DependsOn:     - BucketPermission     - NotificationBucketPolicy     Properties:       ServiceToken: !GetAtt S3BucketConfiguration.Arn       Bucket: !Ref BucketName       NotificationConfiguration:         LambdaFunctionConfigurations:         - Events: ['s3:ObjectCreated:*']           LambdaFunctionArn: !GetAtt BucketWatcher.Arn   S3BucketConfiguration:     Type: AWS::Lambda::Function     Properties:       Description: S3 Object Custom Resource       Handler: index.handler       Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn       Code:         ZipFile: !Sub |           var response = require('cfn-response');           var AWS = require('aws-sdk');           var s3 = new AWS.S3();           exports.handler = function(event, context) {             var respond = (e) => response.send(event, context, e ? response.FAILED : response.SUCCESS, e ? e : {});             process.on('uncaughtException', e=>failed(e));             var params = event.ResourceProperties;             delete params.ServiceToken;             if (event.RequestType === 'Delete') {               params.NotificationConfiguration = {};               s3.putBucketNotificationConfiguration(params).promise()                 .then((data)=>respond())                 .catch((e)=>respond());             } else {               s3.putBucketNotificationConfiguration(params).promise()                 .then((data)=>respond())                 .catch((e)=>respond(e));             }           };       Timeout: 30       Runtime: nodejs4.3   BucketPermission:     Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission     Properties:       Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction'       FunctionName: !Ref BucketWatcher       Principal: s3.amazonaws.com       SourceAccount: !Ref "AWS::AccountId"       SourceArn: !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${BucketName}"   BucketWatcher:     Type: AWS::Lambda::Function     Properties:       Description: Sends a Wait Condition signal to Handle when invoked       Handler: index.handler       Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn       Code:         ZipFile: !Sub |           exports.handler = function(event, context) {             console.log("Request received:\n", JSON.stringify(event));             var responseBody = JSON.stringify({               "Status" : "SUCCESS",               "UniqueId" : "Key",               "Data" : event.Records[0].s3.object.key,               "Reason" : ""             });             var https = require("https");             var url = require("url");             var parsedUrl = url.parse('${Handle}');             var options = {                 hostname: parsedUrl.hostname,                 port: 443,                 path: parsedUrl.path,                 method: "PUT",                 headers: {                     "content-type": "",                     "content-length": responseBody.length                 }             };             var request = https.request(options, function(response) {                 console.log("Status code: " + response.statusCode);                 console.log("Status message: " + response.statusMessage);                 context.done();             });             request.on("error", function(error) {                 console.log("send(..) failed executing https.request(..): " + error);                 context.done();             });             request.write(responseBody);             request.end();           };       Timeout: 30       Runtime: nodejs4.3   Handle:     Type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle   Wait:     Type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition     Properties:       Handle: !Ref Handle       Timeout: 300   S3Object:     Type: Custom::S3Object     DependsOn: BucketConfiguration     Properties:       ServiceToken: !GetAtt S3ObjectFunction.Arn       Bucket: !Ref BucketName       Key: !Ref Key       Body: !Ref Body   S3ObjectFunction:     Type: AWS::Lambda::Function     Properties:       Description: S3 Object Custom Resource       Handler: index.handler       Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn       Code:         ZipFile: !Sub |           var response = require('cfn-response');           var AWS = require('aws-sdk');           var s3 = new AWS.S3();           exports.handler = function(event, context) {             var respond = (e) => response.send(event, context, e ? response.FAILED : response.SUCCESS, e ? e : {});             var params = event.ResourceProperties;             delete params.ServiceToken;             if (event.RequestType == 'Create' || event.RequestType == 'Update') {               s3.putObject(params).promise()                 .then((data)=>respond())                 .catch((e)=>respond(e));             } else if (event.RequestType == 'Delete') {               delete params.Body;               s3.deleteObject(params).promise()                 .then((data)=>respond())                 .catch((e)=>respond(e));             } else {               respond({Error: 'Invalid request type'});             }           };       Timeout: 30       Runtime: nodejs4.3   LambdaExecutionRole:     Type: AWS::IAM::Role     Properties:       AssumeRolePolicyDocument:         Version: '2012-10-17'         Statement:         - Effect: Allow           Principal: {Service: [lambda.amazonaws.com]}           Action: ['sts:AssumeRole']       Path: /       ManagedPolicyArns:       - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"       Policies:       - PolicyName: S3Policy         PolicyDocument:           Version: '2012-10-17'           Statement:             - Effect: Allow               Action:                 - 's3:PutObject'                 - 'S3:DeleteObject'               Resource: !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${BucketName}/${Key}"   NotificationBucketPolicy:     Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy     Properties:       Bucket: !Ref BucketName       PolicyDocument:         Statement:           - Effect: "Allow"             Action:             - 's3:PutBucketNotification'             Resource: !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${BucketName}"             Principal:               AWS: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn Outputs:   Result:     Value: !GetAtt Wait.Data 
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wjordan Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09
