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NuGet: Update a package to a specific version in all projects via PowerShell or CMD


We have a scenario, where different teams work on different parts of a larger product. From time to time, all Visual Studio Projects of all Solutions there need to get some of their referenced NuGet packages updated. As a result of that update, all projects in the whole source tree should reference the same versions of the packages.

Is there a way to update a specific NuGet package to a specific version in all projects using some automatic approach like PowerShell scripts?

Edit: Is there a way to somehow load the necessary parts of Visual Studio and NuGet to also update the assembly references correctly?


NuGetScript Update Solution.sln PackageName -version NewVersion 


NuGetScript Update PathToProjects PackageName -version NewVersion 

There are too many components to load all of them in Visual Studio and update them manually via package manager UI.

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matthias.lukaszek Avatar asked Sep 19 '16 13:09


People also ask

How do I change NuGet package version?

Right-click the Packages folder in the project, and select Update. This will update the NuGet package to the latest version. You can double-click the Add packages and choose the specific version.

1 Answers

Please use following command line in Package Manager Console window to update a specific package in one solution.

Get-Project -All | Update-Package PackageName -Version newVersion

like image 177
Weiwei Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10
