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Create a hamburger menu with navigation drawer in Android

I want to create a hamburger menu in android with navigation drawer. I've already developed it but according to the requirements the menu should slide out the base fragment instead of overlapping. I want to develop something like the hamburger menu used by facebook.

  1. This is what I require :

  1. This is what I've accomplished:

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

like image 299
Salman Khan Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 02:03

Salman Khan

1 Answers

Google introduce Material Design with the new guidelines for Navigation Drawer : official source.

Some amazing people made library matching this guidelines : https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer

If you want to do it yourself : https://github.com/codepath/android_guides/wiki/Fragment-Navigation-Drawer

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Hugo Gresse Avatar answered Mar 18 '23 15:03

Hugo Gresse