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Create a custom animatable property

On UIView you can change the backgroundColour animated. And on a UISlideView you can change the value animated.

Can you add a custom property to your own UIView subclass so that it can be animated?

If I have a CGPath within my UIView then I can animate the drawing of it by changing the percentage drawn of the path.

Can I encapsulate that animation into the subclass.

i.e. I have a UIView with a CGPath that creates a circle.

If the circle is not there it represents 0%. If the circle is full it represents 100%. I can draw any value by changing the percentage drawn of the path. I can also animate the change (within the UIView subclass) by animating the percentage of the CGPath and redrawing the path.

Can I set some property (i.e. percentage) on the UIView so that I can stick the change into a UIView animateWithDuration block and it animate the change of the percentage of the path?

I hope I have explained what I would like to do well.

Essentially, all I want to do is something like...

[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
     myCircleView.percentage = 0.7;

and the circle path animate to the given percentage.

like image 620
Fogmeister Avatar asked Jan 07 '13 09:01


3 Answers

If you extend CALayer and implement your custom

- (void) drawInContext:(CGContextRef) context

You can make an animatable property by overriding needsDisplayForKey (in your custom CALayer class) like this:

+ (BOOL) needsDisplayForKey:(NSString *) key {
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"percentage"]) {
        return YES;
    return [super needsDisplayForKey:key];

Of course, you also need to have a @property called percentage. From now on you can animate the percentage property using core animation. I did not check whether it works using the [UIView animateWithDuration...] call as well. It might work. But this worked for me:

CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"percentage"];
animation.duration = 1.0;
animation.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:0];
animation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:100];

[myCustomLayer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"animatePercentage"];

Oh and to use yourCustomLayer with myCircleView, do this:

[myCircleView.layer addSublayer:myCustomLayer];
like image 198
Tom van Zummeren Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Tom van Zummeren

Complete Swift 3 example:

Final product

public class CircularProgressView: UIView {

    public dynamic var progress: CGFloat = 0 {
        didSet {
            progressLayer.progress = progress

    fileprivate var progressLayer: CircularProgressLayer {
        return layer as! CircularProgressLayer

    override public class var layerClass: AnyClass {
        return CircularProgressLayer.self

    override public func action(for layer: CALayer, forKey event: String) -> CAAction? {
        if event == #keyPath(CircularProgressLayer.progress),
            let action = action(for: layer, forKey: #keyPath(backgroundColor)) as? CAAnimation, 
            let animation: CABasicAnimation = (action.copy() as? CABasicAnimation) {
            animation.keyPath = #keyPath(CircularProgressLayer.progress)
            animation.fromValue = progressLayer.progress
            animation.toValue = progress
            self.layer.add(animation, forKey: #keyPath(CircularProgressLayer.progress))
            return animation
        return super.action(for: layer, forKey: event)


* Concepts taken from:
* https://stackoverflow.com/a/37470079
fileprivate class CircularProgressLayer: CALayer {
    @NSManaged var progress: CGFloat
    let startAngle: CGFloat = 1.5 * .pi
    let twoPi: CGFloat = 2 * .pi
    let halfPi: CGFloat = .pi / 2

    override class func needsDisplay(forKey key: String) -> Bool {
        if key == #keyPath(progress) {
            return true
        return super.needsDisplay(forKey: key)

    override func draw(in ctx: CGContext) {
        super.draw(in: ctx)


        //Light Grey

        let center = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)
        let strokeWidth: CGFloat = 4
        let radius = (bounds.size.width / 2) - strokeWidth
        let path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius, startAngle: 0, endAngle: twoPi, clockwise: true)
        path.lineWidth = strokeWidth


        let endAngle = (twoPi * progress) - halfPi
        let pathProgress = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius, startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle , clockwise: true)
        pathProgress.lineWidth = strokeWidth
        pathProgress.lineCapStyle = .round


let circularProgress = CircularProgressView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 80, height: 80))
UIView.animate(withDuration: 2, delay: 0, options: .curveEaseInOut, animations: {
    circularProgress.progress = 0.76
}, completion: nil)

There is a great objc article here, which goes into details about how this works

As well as a objc project that uses the same concepts here:

Essentially action(for layer:) will be called when an object is being animated from an animation block, we can start our own animations with the same properties (stolen from the backgroundColor property) and animate the changes.

like image 43
David Rees Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

David Rees

For the ones who needs more details on that like I did:

there is a cool example from Apple covering this question.

E.g. thanks to it I found that you don't actually need to add your custom layer as sublayer (as @Tom van Zummeren suggests). Instead it's enough to add a class method to your View class:

+ (Class)layerClass
    return [CustomLayer class];

Hope it helps somebody.

like image 39
makaron Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10
