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Counting characters, words, length of the words and total length in a sentence




I have to write a script that takes a sentence and prints the word count, character count (excluding the spaces), length of each word and the length. I know that there exist wc -m to counter number of characters in the word, but how to make use of it in script?


mystring="one two three test five"
for token in $mystring; do
  echo -n "$token: ";
  echo -n $token | wc -m;
    if [ ${#token} -gt $maxlen ]; then 
      maxlen=${#token}; fi;

echo "--------------------------";
echo -n "Total words: ";
echo "$mystring" | wc -w;
echo -n "Total chars: ";
echo "$mystring" | wc -m;
echo -n "Max length: "; 
echo $maxlen
like image 611
mydreamadsl Avatar asked Jan 05 '12 02:01


People also ask

How do you calculate the length of a word?

To check word count, simply place your cursor into the text box above and start typing. You'll see the number of characters and words increase or decrease as you type, delete, and edit them. You can also copy and paste text from another program over into the online editor above.

5 Answers


mystring="one two three test five"
for token in $mystring; do
  echo -n "$token: ";
  echo -n $token | wc -m;
echo "--------------------------";
echo -n "Total words: ";
echo "$mystring" | wc -w;
echo -n "Total chars: ";
echo "$mystring" | wc -m;
like image 71
Eugen Rieck Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Eugen Rieck

string="i am a string"

n=$(echo $string | wc -w )

echo $n


The value of n can be used as an integer in expressions


echo $((n+1))
like image 37
daya Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10


riffing on Jaypal Singh's answer:

jcomeau@intrepid:~$ mystring="one two three four five"
jcomeau@intrepid:~$ echo "string length: ${#mystring}"
string length: 23
jcomeau@intrepid:~$ echo -n "lengths of words: "; i=0; for token in $mystring; do echo -n "${#token} "; i=$((i+1)); done; echo; echo "word count: $i"
lengths of words: 3 3 5 4 4 
word count: 5
jcomeau@intrepid:~$ echo -n "maximum string length: "; maxlen=0; for token in $mystring; do if [ ${#token} -gt $maxlen ]; then maxlen=${#token}; fi; done; echo $maxlen
maximum string length: 5
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jcomeau_ictx Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10


echo $mystring | wc -w


echo $mystring | wc --words

will do a word count for you.

You can pipe each word to wc:

echo $token | wc -m

to store the result in a variable:

mycount=`echo $token | wc -m`
echo $mycount

to add to the total as you go word by word, do math with this syntax:

#start of your loop
#end of your loop
echo $total
like image 43
Adam Dymitruk Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

Adam Dymitruk

You are very close. In bash you can use # to get the length of your variable.

Also, if you want to use bash interpreter use bash instead of sh and the first line goes like this -


Use this script -


mystring="one two three test five"
for token in $mystring
    if [ $token = "one" ]
        echo ${#token}
    elif [ $token = "two" ]
        echo ${#token}
    elif [ $token = "three" ]
        echo ${#token}
    elif [ $token = "test" ]
        echo ${#token}
    elif [ $token = "five" ]
        echo ${#token}
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jaypal singh Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

jaypal singh