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Countdown timer built on PHP and jQuery?

After spending the last 45 minutes looking around for a solution, I can't seem to find an easy solution to creating a countdown timer using PHP and jQuery. Most already built scripts I've found are based purely on jQuery which require a ton of code, and more parameters then they should, plus, adaptability is pretty hard.

Here's my situation;


$countdown = date("h:i:s"); // This isn't my actual $countdown variable, just a placeholder


$(document).ready(function name() {
    $("#this").load( function() {  
        setTimeout("name()", 1000)


<div id="this"><?php echo($countdown); ?></div>

My idea is that, every second, #this is reloaded, giving a new value to it's contents, and as $countdown isn't a static variable, a new value will be loaded each time. This removes the need to deal with sessions (as a basic javascript countdown timer would reset on pageload, etc).

I would've though this would have worked, until I realized that the event binder .load() doesn't reload #this (I know silly me), so I guess what I'm wondering is - is there an event binder I can use to make this work or is there a way to get the functionality I'm looking for, without using a jQuery plugin (which doesn't match exactly what I want anyway)?

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Avicinnian Avatar asked Aug 19 '11 00:08


Video Answer

2 Answers

You should use Keith Wood's countdown timer: http://keith-wood.name/countdown.html

It is extremely easy to use.

All you have to do is

    until: '<?php echo date("h:i:s"); ?>' // change this, obviously

Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/tqyj4/289/

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Joseph Silber Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Joseph Silber

OK, I know that an id is not a variable, but don't use this as an ID. It is makes people cringe.

To the rest, don't reload the value, set a value in JS in PHP and then count down.

// place this in the <head> above the code below
echo "var t = " . time() . ";";
echo "var ft = " . /* your final time here */ . ";";


// this is a helper function.
function lpad( input, len, padstr )
    if( !padstr ) padstr = " "; // this is the normal default for pad.
    var ret = String( input );
    var dlen = ret.length - len;
    if( dlen > 0 ) return ret;
    for( var i = 0; i < dlen; i++ ) ret = padstr + ret;
    return ret;

$(document).ready(function name() {
    $("#timer").load( function() {  // I changed the id
        $timer = $("timer"); // might as well cache it.
        // interval, not timeout. interval repeats
        var intval = setInterval(function(){
             t += 500; // decrease the difference in time
             if( t >= ft )
                 t = ft; // prevent negative time.
                 clearInterval( intval ) // cleanup when done.
             var dt = new Date(ft - t); 
             $timer.innerHTML = dt.getHours() + ":" + 
                                // pad to make sure it is always 2 digits
                                lpad( dt.getMinutes(), 2, '0' ) + ":" + 
                                lpad( dt.getSeconds(), 2, '0' );
        }, 500) // increments of .5 seconds are more accurate
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cwallenpoole Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
