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Count occurrences of a char in plain text file

People also ask

How do I count characters in a text file?

The most easiest way to count the number of lines, words, and characters in text file is to use the Linux command “wc” in terminal. The command “wc” basically means “word count” and with different optional parameters one can use it to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a text file.

How do you count specific occurrences of characters in a string?

First, we split the string by spaces in a. Then, take a variable count = 0 and in every true condition we increment the count by 1. Now run a loop at 0 to length of string and check if our string is equal to the word.

How can you count for a particular pattern occurrences in a file?

Using grep -c alone will count the number of lines that contain the matching word instead of the number of total matches. The -o option is what tells grep to output each match in a unique line and then wc -l tells wc to count the number of lines. This is how the total number of matching words is deduced.

How do you count occurrences of a character in a string in a shell script?

Using the grep Command And by using the -o option, it prints only the matching character. Then we sort results from the grep command. And we count the occurrences of the search character using the uniq command with the -c option. Finally, we use the cut command to remove the unwanted string from the final result.

How about this:

fgrep -o f <file> | wc -l

Note: Besides much easier to remember/duplicate and customize, this is about three times (sorry, edit! botched the first test) faster than Vereb's answer.

even faster:

tr -cd f < file | wc -c

Time for this command with a file with 4.9 MB and 1100000 occurences of the searched character:

real   0m0.089s
user   0m0.057s
sys    0m0.027s

Time for Vereb answer with echo, cat, tr and bc for the same file:

real   0m0.168s
user   0m0.059s
sys    0m0.115s

Time for Rob Hruska answer with tr, sed and wc for the same file:

real   0m0.465s
user   0m0.411s
sys    0m0.080s

Time for Jefromi answer with fgrep and wc for the same file:

real   0m0.522s
user   0m0.477s
sys    0m0.023s 

echo $(cat <file>  | wc -c) - $(cat <file>  | tr -d 'A' | wc -c) | bc

where the A is the character

Time for this command with a file with 4.9 MB and 1100000 occurences of the searched character:

real   0m0.168s
user   0m0.059s
sys    0m0.115s

If all you need to do is count the number of lines containing your character, this will work:

grep -c 'f' myfile

However, it counts multiple occurrences of 'f' on the same line as a single match.

tr -d '\n' < file | sed 's/A/A\n/g' | wc -l

Replacing the two occurrences of "A" with your character, and "file" with your input file.

  • tr -d '\n' < file: removes newlines
  • sed 's/A/A\n/g: adds a newline after every occurrence of "A"
  • wc -l: counts the number of lines


$ cat file


$ tr -d '\n' < file | sed 's/a/a\n/g' | wc -l